61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again – IOTW Report

61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has closed the door on Russian collusion hysteria, let’s take a look back at the Most Mistaken Men and Women in America.


Since 2016, some big names—both inside the government and out—have peddled the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy with such vigor you’d think they invested their life savings in Reynolds Metal Company. Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has closed the door on such hysteria, let’s take a look back at the Most Mistaken Men and Women in America (and the world).

Christopher Steele: Is there anywhere else to begin, really? The former British spy destroyed any semblance of seriousness when he included reports of the pee-prostitutes in his dossier. But the rest of the report was equal parts claptrap.

There was no secret meeting between Kremlin courtiers and former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. No trip to Prague by Michael Cohen. No quid pro quo election assistance for the lifting of sanctions. No there there. Yet his so-called report was a key basis for this entire Russian hoax saga.

Of course, all those taken in by Steele—or assisting him in trumping up years of investigations of a U.S. president based on smoke and mirrors—make the list too: Glenn Simpson, DOJ lawyer Bruce Ohr, the former FBI duo of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, fired FBI heads James Comey and Andrew McCabe, dossier courier David Kramer, and former senator Harry Reid, among others.

Then there’s Jane Mayer, whose ode to Steele at The New Yorker sought to prop up the un-propable. Former National Security Agency lawyer Susan Hennessey, a CNN contributor, also gave credence to the dossier constantly, in one instance claiming “the intelligence community and law enforcement seem to be taking these claims seriously.”  more here

5 Comments on 61 Hacks Who Peddled Russian Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

  1. Remember, the New Yawk Slime has been rooting for communism since the 1930s and Uncle Joe Stalin. Even to the point of denying the starvation of the early 1920s and early 1930s.

  2. When are Shep Smith’s and Judge Napolitano’s coverage/commentary going to be addressed at FOX? These two reported no less caustic BS than the other channels throughout the Mueller hoax. Smith kept beating the conspiracy drum as loud as Maddow and no one has ever come up with more reasons, time and again, that Trump “would be” charged for obstruction or conspiracy than Napolitano. And there are a lot of FOX panelists who wear the nevertrumper banner with the best of them. Hell, Juan Williams is beating the conspiracy drum as loud now as he ever has.


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