Maryland Rejects Assisted Suicide – IOTW Report

Maryland Rejects Assisted Suicide

WFB: Assisted suicide is dead in the water in Maryland after the state Senate failed to advance a legalization bill.

On Wednesday, the Senate stalemated on legislation that would have allowed doctors to provide lethal prescriptions to patients diagnosed as terminally ill. The vote came two weeks after the Maryland House of Delegates approved the measure in a 74-66 vote after years of rejecting similar bills.

Assisted suicide opponents celebrated the outcome. Matt Valliere, executive director of the Patients’ Rights Action Fund, said that the Democrat-controlled Senate was correct to vote down the measure, which had failed in several previous votes. He said legalized assisted suicide would endanger vulnerable residents, adding that “countless Marylanders are safer today because legislators rejected” the bill.

“All bills that would legalize assisted suicide make for dangerous public policy, especially for persons living with disabilities, the terminally ill, people of advanced age, and those who are at an economic disadvantage,” Valliere said in an email. “They are the most likely to suffer because of mistakes, coercion, and abuse—as we have seen happen in places that do allow assisted suicide.” READ MORE


7 Comments on Maryland Rejects Assisted Suicide

  1. If you live in Maryland and need assistance with suicide just go to Baltimore neighborhoods at night with money hanging from your pockets or a MAGA hat on your head.

  2. As corrupt and repulsive as Maryland is, on this issue Maryland is better than Oregon. God bless the courageous. Oregon cannot find pharmaceuticals for lethal injections of convicted felons. However, in Oregon there is no shortage of pharmaceuticals for doctor assisted suicide.


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