Hungary’s Illegal Immigration Plunges Over 99% After Building Border Fence – IOTW Report

Hungary’s Illegal Immigration Plunges Over 99% After Building Border Fence


With Washington stalled over the debate on the border wall, one country in Europe could show the way to successfully ending illegal immigration. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.


11 Comments on Hungary’s Illegal Immigration Plunges Over 99% After Building Border Fence

  1. some leaders are more interested in their country than personal power. These losers we have in Washington DC do not give a damn about America. Of all the migrants that Germany took in, only 6% are working. the rest on on welfare. I wonder what percentage of the illegals coming to the USA are going to be working and contributing to the country.

  2. I read an article yesterday that migrant deaths in the Mediterranean are dramatically down, largely because of Italy’s publicized opposition to illegal immigration. In other words tough policies actually save lives. Of course we all expected that, but the general public needs to be educated.

    Ooh, he said commonsense…

  3. A fence won’t do much good unless you’re willing to back it up with rigid enforcement procedures to prevent it being breached at will.

    Even if we get a wall (not simple fence) built, it will need the back up of heavy and effective enforcement efforts by patrols and other serious means, and finding the political will to do that may be a lot more difficult than getting the wall itself.

    Personally, I favor land mines as they accomplish both purposes and are cheaper and more effective (but a moat with alligators in it, as Obama suggested, might be effective too).

  4. Sorry that I cannot cite my source, but I remember reading, somewhere, that Hungary built their wall inside their territory and not right on top of the border boundary. By doing that, the are allowing people to cross the border into their country, and once on their territory, simply stopping them from advancing further into their country. Once on their territory, they can be dealt with according to Hungarian law. No food and/or water is being provided outside the wall. Hence, the people are technically allowed “into” their country, just not allowed IN their country. The result was that people quit going there. Interesting way to deal with it.

  5. If only it could be a “smart” electric fence: first time you touch it, mild jolt to get your attention. Second time, a wee bit stronger voltage. Third time, fatal! Can’t say we didn’t warn you!

  6. Various thoughts – in response to Chitterbug’s posting – my brother did that with some nasty neighbors – built the new fence on his side of the property line and told them that they could not paint/stain their side as it was on his property. Also, visited my daughter who now lives in Santiago, Chile in December. She is a computer programmer, speaks Spanish and is married to a Chilean man. Chile is “super picky” about who they let into the country – no Moslems, no blacks on the streets of downtown Chile.

  7. Close the border put 100,000 troops on the border. This is NOT an internal policing matter. This is a Foreign invasion of US soil. Use all the engineering units in the military to build the wall. In the Rio Grande Valley re-activate the brown water navy from the Vietnam War. Use Air cushion vehicles where the water is too shallow for boats.


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