Fake news is going to get it in the teeth in 2020 – IOTW Report

Fake news is going to get it in the teeth in 2020


American Thinker: Leftist presidential candidates of all (correction: the same) stripes are preparing to do battle with President Trump in 2020, pushing their menu of spoiled and smelling Venezuelan-style socialist ideas for voters.

Trump will swat them away like flies, but he’s not looking in their direction much.  His real target, according to the Atlantic Monthly, is going to be the press.  Instapundit has found a beauty from within the Atlantic Monthly report, noting that Republicans are raring to go after the mainstream media, using their atrocious strings of lies and “narratives” that fell apart after the Mueller report on the fake Russian collusion.  They will do it when the press starts reporting biased dreck about Trump himself, citing their tattered credibility.  Here’s some of it:

“Any reporter who tries that will be hit with 30-second spots of all their ridiculous claims about collusion,” said the source, who, like others interviewed for this story, requested anonymity to describe private conversations.  “Their tweets have all been screencapped.  It’s all ready to go.”  (“It’s the same thing we’ve been doing the last two years.  We’re going to hold the media accountable when we see fit,” an RNC official clarified, adding that this would include digital clips shared on social media.)

This is kind of what a biased media cooperative deserves.

The fact is, the press did disgrace itself in its two or three years of news coverage, constantly beating the phony tin drum that Trump colluded with the Russian to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.  Special Counsel Robert Mueller, armed with more than a dozen leftist, Hillary Clinton–donating lawyers, could find nothing to support that, and he finally threw in the towel this past week, releasing the report over the weekend in a futile bid to hope no one would notice.

Democrats in Congress continue to insist that something is there in the wake of it, but the reality is, they look like fools — but not as big of fools as the mainstream media, which acted as a Greek choir, chanting for years that Trump’s end was imminent and the “walls are closing in.”  Rick Moran noted that there was a hilarious video compilation of the spectacle here.

Do I think it will work?  Anecdotally, yes.  The Trump voters I know in San Diego say the mainstream media’s continuously unfair treatment of Trump in the press — in itself — was the reason they chose to vote for him.  There may be internal GOP polls suggesting that the sentiment is widespread.  more

8 Comments on Fake news is going to get it in the teeth in 2020

  1. I get that the MSM is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the DNC, but isn’t this common knowledge, like a declaration that water is wet?

    Sure, we all like when Trump rips the MSM, but this is low hanging fruit. I want him to actually get things done. I want him to work his ass off to get re elected, to get the House back in to a Republican majority, I want him to do something, anything, about securing the border. We have seen counter punching Trump, I want to see pro active Trump. I want a China trade deal, I want more regulations dying a quick death, I want to see him grab Mitch by the ear and get him to move these judge confirmations along at a speedier rate. There is lots Trump can do to make America great again, needling the press does not more the ball forward.

  2. @Rich Taylor: I agree with all you say that needs to be done, but I still think that we can spare Trump a moment or two to drink from the skulls of his enemies. I’d hate to waste all that good Schadenfreude. Not to mention the popcorn.


  3. ABC is certainly a den of iniquity.

    It’s sad, though, that some good men and women worked there. Vic Ratner wasn’t a scumbucket, Doug Limerick was a joy to work with, Charles Gibson was a solid bloke. And, of course, most of the technical staff were good, hard working people.

    I’m missing a few of the other good ones — but the rest can go straight to hell.

  4. Not only is the MSM going to take it in the teeth in 2020, but they’re also going to take it hard and fast up their collective pooper. And this will be the one time in history they ain’t gonna like it. 🖕🏿💩🖕🏿


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