Hellooo, Ociffer! – IOTW Report

Hellooo, Ociffer!

Woman rolls up to random police traffic stop driving on rim with full margarita in her cup holder.

Breaking 911:

The following is from the Tulsa, Oklahoma Police Blotter:

Officer Martin and Officer Badgett were on a traffic stop at 6300 E. 38th St. While on the stop a driver drove up to our stop driving on a rim (she had wrecked her car on something, unknown what it was). We could hear her coming from a block away.

We quickly ended our original stop and stopped her. After rolling up to the stop, she turned into Normandy. When asked how much she had to drink, she stated two tequila shots (said this as she could barely stand upright). 

The rest is here

21 Comments on Hellooo, Ociffer!

  1. Actually, she’s kinda cute. I would have taken her back to my house to sober up………if she wasn’t arrested for putting everyone’s life in danger.

  2. Most of that damage appears to be caused by the tire beating the fender to death. She looks to be pretty jolly in that image. I wonder if she “was” aware of the shiite-storm heading her way…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. So, this woman blew a .21 and climbing. What’s the government’s solution? Why, they need to lower the BAC standard from .08 to .05! Yaaaaaay. That’s the answer. And the left wants the government to manage our health care.


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