Everybody Hates Joe – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Joe

Dems Rally Against Former VP Joe Biden Amid Misconduct Allegations.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:00 PM PT — Sunday, March 31, 2019

Former Vice President Joe Biden receives backlash from both sides of the political aisle following allegations of sexual misconduct.

According to Democrat politician Lucy Flores, Biden grabbed her by the shoulders during a campaigning event in 2014, and proceeded to smell her hair and kiss the back of her head without consent.

Democrats are now demanding answers from Biden, who claims he does not recall the incident.  more here

20 Comments on Everybody Hates Joe

  1. Joe has been sent home from the office on more than one occasion for showing up to work in his trench coat and nothing else. Usually when he’s scheduled to visit a grammar school.

  2. “Democrats are now demanding answers from Biden”
    And if He wasn’t running, they would have continued to overlook all his little Me Too moments. Disingenuous bastards.

  3. “Being a nihilistic totalitarian socialist Demonrat retarded pervert means never having to say ‘I’m sorry’.”
    (I think I read that somewhere – and it’s as true now as it was then)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Gropin, Gropin,, gropin
    Gropin, gropin, Gropin
    Joe Bi

    Keep those young girls movin
    Though they be disapprovin
    Keep those youngins movin Joe Bi

    Don’t try to understand them
    Just grope them with abandon
    Soon you will be livin high and wide
    Joe Bi

  5. Sorry white boy. You’re not invited to the party. Now if you changed your name to something cool and ethnic sounding, it might be a different story.

  6. Biden’s son Hunter (who left his wife and took up with his dead brother’s widow) made a fortune off very questionable deals with China while his father was Vice President. Those deals are going to cause him more embarrassment than his creepy public displays of inappropriate behavior. Then there is his plagiarism and invention of his family’s history in the coalfields based on Neil Kinnock’s speeches. What a treat it will be for him to get the nomination. That’s why it isn’t going to happen. He’s the Creepy Old Gaffe Guy.

  7. None of these democrat lawyers have a conscience.

    It’s good to see him pretend none of the weirdo hair-sniffing and ogling of children never happened.

    He’s the white Michael Jackson

  8. Cisco Kid, head em up, move em out, Rawhide. If Biden had been a guest star on Rawhide, Rowdy Yates and Gil Favor and Wishbone the cook and the other cow pokes would’ve beaten the snot out of him for mistreating the women folk. And if he was on wanted Dead or Alive with Steve McQueen, Josh Randall would’ve shot him and collected the bounty on him

  9. Unfortunately the Left is overreaching again. They want to take out Gropin’ Joe before he announces because they think ‘it’s time’ for a: (Insert proper race/gender/level of socialist) type.
    But only Joe has a shot at grabbing the brass ring.
    Bernie will assemble his brown shirts, but their antics will galvanize the Right and the Center against him
    Warren will be laughed out
    Spartacus will be laughed out
    The rest will damage themselves in the primary
    But the man with actual experience, he’s gotta go!

  10. I wonder why the C Span footage of creepy joe groping and sniffing little girls hasn’t been heavily scrutinized.
    I can’t help but feel like this is a preemptive strike to prevent such scrutiny if joe WERE to get well into the race.

    It would certainly make not only the democrats but also the obama admn look very bad.

  11. They had to cancel the annual Christmas party for Joe Biden’s Secret Service staff because Gropin’ Joe couldn’t keep his hands off the asses of the agents’ wives and girlfriends.


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