Biden Is So Dumb He Needs A Spotter To Work On A Sudoku Puzzle – IOTW Report

Biden Is So Dumb He Needs A Spotter To Work On A Sudoku Puzzle

Political Clown Parade: Joe Biden has issued yet another non-apology to Anita Hill.  At the Biden Courage Awards in New York Tuesday night, he said he regretted how the Senate Judiciary Committee, which he chaired, handled Anita Hill’s sexual harassment allegations against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

“A brave lawyer, a really notable woman, Anita Hill, a professor, showed the courage of a lifetime talking about her experience being harassed by Clarence Thomas, but she paid a terrible price. She was abused in the hearing. She was taken advantage of. Her reputation was attacked. I wish I could have done something.”

Hill insists after 28 years Biden has yet to apologize to her.

A published report from the Atlanta Journal Constitution stated Biden had met with defeated Georgia gubernational candidate Stacey Abrams to discuss the possibility of her being his running mate for 2020.  Abrams quashed that notion when she appeared on ABC’s The View telling the audience, “you don’t run for second place.”  Ouch!

Biden has been playing a drawn out game of hide-and-seek over whether he will announce his candidacy for president. Democrats are desperately searching for someone who can defeat President Trump in 2020.

Several political operatives who worked or volunteered for Biden’s 2008 campaign have signaled they are unlikely to do so this cycle, in part, because they know the embarrassments are coming.  more here

12 Comments on Biden Is So Dumb He Needs A Spotter To Work On A Sudoku Puzzle

  1. You lost me regarding any content with the phrase “Biden Courage Awards” – maybe he should ghost write a book like Kennedy did and include stories about “the big mike.”

  2. Clarence Thomas doesn’t have a single blemish on his record, yet a partisan bunch of dimwits tried to lynch a good Black man with a pubic hair! Now, 28 years after the fact, Jackass Joe wants to apologize to the perpetrator of that obvious hoax because he wants to run for President! If this isn’t stupid, beyond all belief, obviously ham-handed pandering of the lowest sort then beam me up!!

  3. What?
    Who y’all be talkin bout, Willis?
    I be down wi my homies, an shit, yo!
    Dey gone putchall back in chains!

    A vote for Joe is a vote for … uhh … Joe?
    I lost my place, here …

  4. Joey and Stacy!
    Goes together like pancakes and syrup!
    Slow Joe and Aunt Jemima!

    Retarded Duo in Two-Oh!

    President Trump’s Demonrat Dream Team.

    izlamo delenda est …


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