FLASHBACK: The Biggest Dossier Lies Pushed by the Media – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: The Biggest Dossier Lies Pushed by the Media

Dan Bongino: The other day, Dan and I debunked the oft-cited myth that it was a member of the Trump campaign (George Papadopolous) promising dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russians that sparked the FBI’s secretive counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. As we argued, the case that it was British spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier that started this mess is overwhelming.




That is damning in light of the fact that the dossier was unsubstantiated and made wild claims that should’ve been red flags to law enforcement. The media certainly wished the dossier was true, but the most egregious “salacious and unverified” claims all turned out to be fantasy.

Michael Cohen Prague Visit

The dossier alleges that Michael Cohen visited Prague to meet Kremlin insiders. Steele writes in the dossier, sourcing an alleged “Kremlin insider,” that “COHEN now was heavily engaged in a cover-up and damage limitation operation in the attempt to prevent the full details of TRUMP’s relationship with Russia being exposed. In pursuit of this aim, COHEN had met secretly with several Russian Presidential Administration (PA) Legal Department officials in an EU country in August 2016.” A dossier entry dated the following day clarifies that Cohen’s aforementioned meetings with Russian officials were in Prague.

Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter Greg Miller said during a book interview that sources at the FBI and CIA don’t believe that the Prague incident ever happened. Miller said that Post reporters “literally spent weeks and months trying to run down” leads from the dossier and that they “sent reporters through every hotel in Prague, through all over the place, just to try to figure out if he was ever there, and came away empty.”


Another dossier claim related to Cohen’s visit to Prague is that he discussed how to make deniable cash payments to the Russians allegedly responsible for hacking the DNC’s servers during the 2016 election, but it’s long been doubtful that the Russians were even responsible, with the evidence suggesting an internal leak. The DNC didn’t even allow the FBI access to examine their servers.  more here

2 Comments on FLASHBACK: The Biggest Dossier Lies Pushed by the Media

  1. I am sorry but sometimes we get lost in the weeds that Democrats planted and still they dominate and steer the dialogue.

    It really boils down to this.

    If you are an iron fisted tyrant dictator looking at a presidential election in the country that is your largest foe, which candidate would you prefer? I contend that it would be the weakest, most corrupt, most malleable, the one who opened her rancid poncho and gave you our uranium.

    This whole Trump Russia collusion is illogical. Always has been. Pooty Putin, if he had a favorite for president would have naturally hoped for Hillary.

    Having a pro American big swinging D—k would be deleterious to Vladimir’s ambitions.

    None of that illogic ever made sense. Vlad wanted Hillary. Period. He didn’t want Trump.

  2. DemocRATs! The original Liars!
    * We have the facts on Donald Trump!
    * The check’s in the mail! (returning illegal donations)
    * Some of our best friends are Colored! (and living on our urban plantations)
    * We’ll only put the head in. (tax cuts)


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