Wife of Former Defense Secretary Tells Story Behind ‘That Picture’ With Biden – IOTW Report

Wife of Former Defense Secretary Tells Story Behind ‘That Picture’ With Biden


Epoch Times: The wife of former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter responded for the first time to a picture taken of her with then-Vice President Joe Biden during the swearing-in ceremony for her husband in February 2015.

The photograph and the video gained national attention because Biden appeared to be uncomfortably close to Stephanie Carter, placing his hands on her shoulders, nuzzling her hair, and whispering in her ear. The video was replayed on a late-night comedy show and the photo continues to be used on television, social media, and internet memes.

Carter has for years hoped that if she didn’t address the picture it would go away but after comedian Jimmy Fallon showed the photo again on his show in March she wrote a blog post to explain that the picture is misleading.

“I thought it would all blow over if I didn’t dignify it with a response. But clearly, that was wishful thinking,” Carter wrote.

She explained that the photo is “a still shot taken from a video—misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends.”

According to Carter, her husband’s post as defense secretary was the crowning achievement of his career. On the morning of the swearing-in ceremony, the couple visited Arlington National Cemetery. On arriving at the Pentagon, Stephanie Carter slipped on ice and fell, with several reporters witnessing the scene.  more here

35 Comments on Wife of Former Defense Secretary Tells Story Behind ‘That Picture’ With Biden

  1. Oh my goodness me. Do you mean to tell me that a WOMAN would lie to protect her party for the GREATER ‘good’?

    Shocking! Absolutely shocking!

  2. @dianny
    The American political system is chock full of sexual deviant predators.
    So no skin off of her nose, right?
    It’s just another day at the races if the old bastard gropes and molests a child.

  3. …nice to see you again @chuffed. I remember some of us praying for you when you said you needed a procedure, and then I didn’t see you post for the longest. Glad God saw you through, especially since .45-70 went home, hope all is well with you.

  4. Look, I say that Joe Biden is an asshole, but most of my friends say he’s just a regular guy. And he probably may be. But I saw a video of Joe Biden trying to approach the granddaughter of Jeff Sessions. And Sessions whisked his little granddaughter away and brushed by Biden. I’m sure that Biden is known on The Hill as being a bit of an asshole. But then again.
    Last year I met a family I hadn’t seen for many years at the driving range. I was surprised to meet then. Hadn’t seen them for years, so I shook hands with my friend and gave a little hug to the two ladies which required a brief cheek touch, Friendly sort of stuff. I noticed though that they sort of backed away from my approach. It sort of hurt me but then I realized that the daughter just graduated from Harvard Law. How fucking dare I touch her.
    Next time I met them I just waved. Hey howyadin?

  5. @nightshade
    Nice to see you too!
    I missed this place, I’ve just taken a little longer to get back to internet posting bc it’s a bit stressful.

    I’m sorry if I worried anyone.
    I ended up having more issues with my kidney than I realized. I’m very young, in my 20s, so it shocked me.
    I think the recent passing of my father was a major play in it, sometimes grief can manifest in a physical way.

    Anyway, I’m trying to get healther and I’m doing much better. 🙂

  6. My wife, ex attorney retired like me, used to tell me stories about judges calling here “darling” and “sweetheart” when she first started trying cases in court. She was proud of her position and wanted to be taken seriously but comments like this, her appearance, her physical attributes, all demeaning and inappropriate. You could dismiss it by saying that the judges were old, from a bygone era, and certainly did not intend to offend. But why should she put up with it? Isn’t the onus on the perpetrator as to what is proper and acceptable behavior and act accordingly? Same applies here. I don’t give a rat’s ass that Uncle Joe is just being Uncle Joe and this is the way he always behaves. It is inappropriate and if he is too dense to figure that out, that’s on him.

  7. “She explained that the photo is “a still shot taken from a video—misleadingly extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends.”

    Then you two should have gotten a private room.

  8. …sorry about your father @chuffed, but absent from the body, present with the Lord. Don’t want to wear you out with OT personal stuff, but I did want to say I’ll keep you in my prayers.

    God bless,

  9. Glad to see you back @chuffed.

    As for joe Biden and the still shot. I went on al gore’s amazing internet and downloaded ‘hot sex video of Joe biden and hot young chick’.

    It was still a still shot.

  10. The bitch is lying. I saw the whole video and that face says everything you need to know. I guessing she thinks her husband will get a job if Biden wins. Momma needs a new pair of shoes.

  11. .45-70 has gone home? Oh, I am so sorry. I haven’t been around much, dealing with the loss of Jim, and not to well at that. See ya later, .45-70. Prayers to any and all that I have missed in my own grief.

  12. Sure, Steph. Now explain the other dozen or so encounters during photo-shoots and swearings-in, especially the ones where Joe is pinning the young girls against his groin with his hand on their chests.

    Oh, your photo was taken from a longer encounter, so that what we’re seeing him do to you didn’t really happen as we’re seeing it depicted in said photo? Thanks for clearing this all up because none of us know how photos and video work.

  13. I must be really out of touch. If another man (not a close relative) starts touching my wife that way he’s getting his ass kicked. End of story. I don’t know what the cultural elites do at their cocktail parties but where I’m from this type of stuff is not normal.

  14. And his skinny dipping in front of female SS was because he forgot his swimsuit? And how about the barky plane trips with wild sex and drug party’s?
    I’m not saying he was on the plane but he lived this stuff.
    Wonder if he was at Epstein’s island?

  15. “It is a very rare person whose principles go against their financial interests.”

    That also applies to women.

    And politicians don’t really have principles.

  16. The wife and kiddies dont need to be up there when Dad is sworn in. With Creepy Biden there, they simply are not safe. No one can complain because it might hurt Dad’s chances. So grin and bear it and wonder why your spouse/father isn’t watching out for you.

    Is this “crowning achievement of his career” more important than you?

  17. Creepy “Uncle” Joe is even more of a pervert, because he lingers and leers as he inappropriately gropes women and girls. He can’t control his impulses, even when it involves children.
    For him, consequences be damned. Well, the leftist worm has turned. The left doesn’t want him as President. LOL!
    Now, be prepared. The left is hypocritical and delusional. They will search like mad to find similar incidents with President Trump, in an attempt to justify Biden’s freaky moves, but they won’t find anything.
    BTW, “The View” harpies still think he’s wonderful. How twisted is that.

  18. …sorry for your loss too, @RottyLover, but we all must go to Heaven by way of the grave, and those that go before us will wait in blessedness for us, but we must toil without them on our own for a time and for that we need to pray for each other and lean on the Holy Spirit for help. We who grieve must look to the Lord for comfort, but even in a community such as this we can give each other such support as we can, as all have lost and all WILL lose, but there is much to be gained beyond the grave, and it is on that Blessed Assurance that my faith rests.

    John 10:28 – And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

    …just to update on .45 70, here’s a link to a thread on his passing. God bless you, I will pray for you, and I would only ask you pray for me in return, as we all need it; but our Lord is big enough to cover us ALL.


  19. There’s definitely a movement to torpedo Ole Slow Joe, and it AIN’T coming from the Republicans – they know that as a personification of the Demonrat Party he (more or less) guarantees President Trump’s re-election.

    A series of political ads showing him, in actual “news” coverage of him, molesting women and girls, laughing like a demented Hyena, admitting to plagiarism, and a host of other imbecilities, would make him a laughingstock among the younger sycophantic slaves of the Demonrat totalitarians.

    So: Run, Joey, Run!
    Ignore these attacks.

    izlamo delenda est …


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