DYSTOPIA California: Window to America’s Future – IOTW Report

DYSTOPIA California: Window to America’s Future

13 Comments on DYSTOPIA California: Window to America’s Future

  1. “And the liberals will jump ship to another state and start the terror all over again.”

    …It’s like watching a cancer metastasize, @Mithrandir, and like a cancer, it doesn’t care if it ultimately kills it’s own host…

    …and, ALSO like a cancer, the ONLY way to deal with it is to cut it out or kill it. You can’t reason with a cancer, growing and destroying is all it knows how to do, and it won’t stop until someone STOPS it, and even THEN it will look for a way to spread to other parts of the body undetected, to infect and decay anew from places unsuspected…

  2. An honest CLOUDY scene of the Gate. Iv crossed over 1,000 times unit it was sunny TWICE!

    My grandparents and parents did not think Cal was a “welfare state” ; but poor from all over America tied to come in. TRIED iOS he key word! The CHP patrol;led our border and keep out those without jobs! This part of Grapes of Wrath (not as good a book as Mice + Men -but good, and mostly fiction) is true. When Ike’s started “Wetback ” the supreme Court said what we were doing was unconstitutional. So we had to let in all AMERICANS . Yes, I did argue with my leftist teachers about this.

    Cal’s GOP was turned into a far left machine by Ronny hating Rove/Bush syndicate. By a Communist Cuban named Sununu
    Ca lo politically assassinate all conservatives in the top 4 levels of Cal GOP. No blood was shed, only reputations ruined.
    The same liars that said the most liberal President in American history was a “compasionate conservative” called the Bear (hey, come on. After bitchin about thug Mario and his Goons at the Gate, you knew Id get (Golden) bear in somehow!)State’s 2nd most conservative governor a “liberal”! If FDR, JFK, GWB + BHO were conservative then Pete Wilson was a liberal! Rove + his libs clearly have “1984” down pat!
    Pete beat Brown 3;2/ The Browns have only lost twice in 70 years
    ! Both times to a CONSERVATIVE! Folk in Cal will not vote for a leftist liar who falsely claims to “conservative” . It is Orwellian for the progressive Cal GOP to claim they want to win when history clearly shows Cal voters want conservatives and they keep giving liiberals!

    Cal is being over run by criminal aliens becaus The GOP is Rove “open border” leftists!

  3. I remember a conversation I had with an acquaintance of mine in the late 1980s. She worked at the welfare office and said she was told to sign up as many people as possible. Little did I know this was the strategy known as CLOWARD and PIVEN.

  4. For those worried that as California goes, so goes the rest of the nation, rest assured. Cali is unique in many ways. Unlike other high tax states that are going broke, we have tons of tough; silicon valley, Hollywood, tons of high earners easily fleeced, California is now sitting on a massive tax surplus and with projected IPO cash to flow in this year the state is looking at a 2019 $22 billion tax revenue surplus. Were super high earners are bugging out of NY and NJ because of taxes, California gazzilionares see it as a badge of honor to pay for the privilege of being Californians. It is the damnedest thing.

  5. I just escaped to Texas. What’s happening now, besides all the usual problems in California, is immigration. You can’t talk about it without everybody thinking so what? But I’m saying something completely different. It’s reached saturation levels. It’s the difference between saying the bathtub faucet is running and saying the bathtub is overflowing. There are illegals hanging around everywhere. The articles about the crises aren’t being listened to because it sounds like the same old thing.

  6. Actually those of you who wish the destruction of any state are as troubling as what has happened to our entire country. We won’t win this war with people trashing some states over others.
    Legal Americans should be sticking together.
    The invasion of illegals is worse in California and Texas due to being border states. How difficult is that to understand? Add voter fraud to that mix and the real Californian’s are outvoted. We were a
    Conservative state. Illegal aliens cost California 23 Billion last year alone, the most of any state. That’s our tax dollars.
    Nation wide it’s 300 Billion. No matter what state you live in you are paying, so perhaps you should get off your high horse. It’s time to stop judging your fellow Americans by state and join the fight against our real enemies. I say cut any and all welfare and jobs to illegals and end this nightmare.

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