Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a probe into her campaign spending – IOTW Report

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a probe into her campaign spending

DC: Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a probe into her campaign spending after complaints alleged that she misused contributions for personal use, according to a report published on Monday.

The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board is investigating Omar after Minnesota GOP State Rep. Steve Drazkowski filed two complaints alleging she spent nearly $6,000 in campaign funds for personal use while she served in the Minnesota legislature, reported WJLA. Some of the improper expenditures include payments to Omar’s divorce attorney and spending on travel to Boston and Estonia.

“I had observed a long pattern,” Drazkowski told WJLA. “Representative Omar hasn’t followed the law. She’s repeatedly trampled on the laws of the state in a variety of areas, and gotten by with it.”

The campaign finance allegations come on the heels of a separate incident where the freshman congresswoman had to return $2,500 in speaking fees, according to The Pioneer Press. Omar accepted payment from Normandale Community College and Inver Hills Community College in 2017, despite Minnesota House rules barring lawmakers from accepting speaking fees from entities with business at the Legislature.

Authorities have reportedly completed the investigation but have not yet compiled their findings or issued rulings.   more

11 Comments on Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing a probe into her campaign spending

  1. What a waste of time. This oxygen thief is Moslem… translated into English means “Untouchable.” No results will ever be made public.

    A more productive effort would be to get these Moslem Trojan Horses OUT of the US Government. They’re within the gate simply to cause havoc and specifically to bring down America.

    Wake up before the Republic dies in its sleep.

  2. Yeah, no she’s not. They told me Occasional Sandy was in trouble with the campaign spending, too. Not seeing it, especially after the Smollett Reset. And now Atlanta’s Mayor Bottoms (I shit you not) is trying to spring black serial killer Wayne Williams from prison. Crazy days.

  3. These infiltrators are exposing themselves for the deviants that they are….thank you very much….
    When it comes time to eliminate the hostile threats from with-in, the job will be easier.

  4. Ironic outcome #338: Somali Sally apologizes w/o really apologizing.
    Uses a bit of her (taxpayer supplied) salary to reimburse the taxpayers she ripped off in the first place. Maybe gets an ethics lecture. The true apology will come from Pelosi who will yet again claim that the ignorant bitch doesn’t “understand” the rules because ____________ (insert any excuse).
    Omar will never spend any of “her” money…..

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