Biden’s team blames ‘Right Wing Trolls’ for Creepy Joe photos – IOTW Report

Biden’s team blames ‘Right Wing Trolls’ for Creepy Joe photos

DC: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s team pushed back on allegations of sexual misconduct on Monday by blaming “right wing trolls” for circulating out-of-context photographs.

“These smears and forgeries have existed in the dark recesses of the internet for a while,” Bill Russo, a Biden spokesman, said in a statement. “And to this day, right wing trolls and others continue to exploit them.”

Former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores came out with her allegations against the prospective presidential candidate Friday in the New York Magazine op-ed “An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden.” She claimed Biden, who was campaigning on her behalf at the time, kissed her and smelled her hair without consent.



Creepy Cuts:

16 Comments on Biden’s team blames ‘Right Wing Trolls’ for Creepy Joe photos

  1. “Mister Vice President, stop that. Don’t lick my ears.” “Why not?” “Because they’re dirty. I haven’t washed them in three days.” “So?”

  2. Oh, yeah, Uncle Touchy, it’s a vast right wing conspiracy. Just try to count all the right wing media photogs out there when you were groping, Joe, you mindless gimp. Back under your rock, boy.

  3. “Taken out of context …”

    Seems to be a pretty common complaint by people caught on camera doing some pernicious shit.

    Vince Foster’s body dumped in Ft. Marcy Park was “taken out of context.”
    Bill Clinton jizzing on an intern’s dress was “taken out of context.”
    Every lie that Obola was caught in was “taken out of context.”
    “We have to pass it to see what’s in it.” was “taken out of context.”
    All Clapper’s lies, such as “the moslem brotherhood is a secular organization,” were “taken out of context.”
    The FBI interviewing HRC, Huma Abedin, and Cheryl Mills without notes or video was “taken out of context.”
    Comey exonerating HRC before the first interview was “taken out of context.”
    Loretta Lynch secretly meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac was “taken out of context.”

    izlamo delenda est …


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