Prof ousted after sharing views on youth gender dysphoria sues – IOTW Report

Prof ousted after sharing views on youth gender dysphoria sues

Campus Reform: A former department head at the University of Louisville in Kentucky is suing the university, claiming the school dismissed him over his views on youth gender dysphoria.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative nonprofit legal group,  is representing Dr. Allan M. Josephson, who was the chief of the school’s Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. ADF claims Josephson took the “struggling” department and built it to attain “national reputation.”

The lawsuit names multiple individuals as defendants, including UL President Neeli Bendapudi, Gregory Postel, former interim president and executive vice president of UL Health Affairs, and various other faculty within university departments. Josephson participated on a youth gender dysphoria panel in 2017 at the Heritage Foundation, according to an ADF press release.

That’s when “everything changed,” according to the lawsuit.

After the Heritage panel was posted online, UL’s LGBT Center “sounded the alarm” and officials they “were troubled at the views Dr. Josephson expressed.” Officials at the LGBT Center discussed with an assistant professor in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology what could be done to discipline Josephson. The division chief was then met with swift backlash for what he had said on the panel, and a few of his colleagues demanded that the university discipline him, according to the lawsuit.

UL then demoted Josephson to a junior faculty position after the incident, and in February, the university decided not to renew his contract, which expires at the end of June.  more here

9 Comments on Prof ousted after sharing views on youth gender dysphoria sues


    Only those with a larger tribe of pitchforks and torches convinces these people to do the right thing.

    Otherwise, you are trying to use persuasive arguments vs. the angry mob, and you will lose every time.

    Get organized and fight back.

  2. “Gender dysphoria used to be called gender identity disorder”
    In other words it is gender derangement syndrome, being mentally unstable and a possible threat to the safety of other CHILDREN. Any youth having this disorder should not be allowed around other children, but should be institutionalized until a stable mental state is achieved. And that actually means that the child/youth comes to accept his/her biological birth gender. If the parents will not accept this, then the child should not be placed back under their care. So psychiatrists must decide what the State must do for the best interest of the child. The same as is being done when the State is taking children away from parents refusing forced vaccinations and forced cancer chemotherapy.

  3. @Anonymous

    This is nonsense:

    But the first ones murdered if the commmies or islamists took over would be the gay people.

    For Islamists, maybe, but not initially. The commies would first go after those on their enemies list, and that would not be gay-fags.

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