Victor Pinchuk, the Clintons, Biden, Obama, & Endless Connections – IOTW Report

Victor Pinchuk, the Clintons, Biden, Obama, & Endless Connections

They have a lot of secrets, one of which is how they tried to destroy Donald Trump.

The Markets Work: I wrote on the role of Alexandra Chalupa – a Ukrainian-American DNC operative – who appears at the center of the DNC’s construction of information used in the Steele Dossier.

The role of former Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland in disseminating the Dossier – along with her involvement in shaping Ukraine – was also discussed.

The name Victor Pinchuk was mentioned.

Victor Pinchuk is a Ukrainian billionaire.

He is the founder of Interpipe, a steel pipe manufacturer. He also owns Credit Dnipro Bank, some ferroalloy plants and a media empire.

He is married to Elena Pinchuk, the daughter of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma.

Pinchuk’s been accused of profiting immensely from the purchase of state-owned assets at severely below-market prices through political favoritism.

Pinchuk used his media empire to deflect blame from his father-in-law, Kuchma, for the September 16, 2000 murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze. Kuchma was never charged but is widely believed to have ordered the murder. A series of recordings would seem to back up this assertion.

On April 4 through April 12 2016, Ukrainian Parliamentarian Olga Bielkov had four meetings – with Samuel Charap (International Institute for Strategic Studies), Liz Zentos (National Security Council), Michael Kimmage (State Dept) and David Kramer (McCain Institute).

Doug Schoen filed FARA documents showing that he was paid $40,000 a month by Victor Pinchuk (page 5) – in part to arrange these meetings.

Schoen attempted to arrange another 72 meetings with Congressmen and media (page 10). It is unknown how many meetings took place.

Schoen has worked for both Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Schoen helped Pinchuk establish ties with the Clinton Foundation. The Wall Street Journal reported how Schoen connected Pinchuk with senior Clinton State Department staffers in order to pressure former Ukrainian President Yanukovych to release Yulia Tymoshenko – a political rival of Yanukovych – from jail.

The relationship between Pinchuk and the Clintons continued.

From the Kyiv Post:

In 2013, Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk welcomed current U.S. Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton onto the stage at his Yalta European Strategy, an annual conference he funds to promote Ukraine’s European integration and strategy, calling her: “a real megastar.”

Clinton and her husband Bill, the 42nd U.S. president, have been paid speakers at the annual YES and other Pinchuk events. They describe themselves as friends of Pinchuk, who is known internationally as a businessman and philanthropist.

To date, Pinchuk’s charitable foundation has given $125 million to various causes, according to his spokespeople.

Although exact numbers are not clear, reports filed by the Clinton Foundation indicate that as much as $25 million of Pinchuk’s “charitable donations” went to the Clinton organization… Keep reading, it gets good.


h/t Dan Bongino.

12 Comments on Victor Pinchuk, the Clintons, Biden, Obama, & Endless Connections

  1. This is the stuff that makes heads swirl in confusion. I can’t keep up with the names, let alone the plotline. It’s intentional. It’s the ClintonObama brain bending blender gaslight.

  2. Biden and his kid are in trouble up to their waistlines. Biden is completely dumb to think that he could run for office, or he just doesn’t give a shit.

    Ukrainian president and his cabinet members are idiots. Let’s hope the new guy’s a little smarter and throws the douchebags under the bus.

  3. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, and the Treasury need to conduct a forensic investigation to nail the Demoncrat traitors. Starting with rat in chief Obammy. Then Billy Bob the serial rapist and Hittliary.

  4. @MJA (the birthday girl): “Biden and his kid are in trouble up to their waistlines.”

    creepy uncle joey will get quite the surprise if he opens the campaign box.
    Not being able to depend on msm for truthful investigation, let alone reporting, I do believe that there are many who are all loaded up, just waiting for him to commit. A big question is, does he get knocked out in the primaries, or does it wait until the Presidential campaign itself. He has mondo massive corruptions, both east and west, and the clintons are right in there with him. Whether he runs or not, this demands investigation.
    It will be ‘Ukranium One,’ but a lot of it will be right in downtown DC.

  5. Again, can career DOJ and FBI experienced investigators conduct an in-depth, non-partisan investigation based upon known facts?

    How many acts of corruption and how many $100s of Millions of dollars changing hands does it take to indict the deep state establishment elite?

    My faith in the DOJ and the FBI is right up there with their level of character and honesty. Non-existent.

  6. and the referenced article is from March of 2018. A full year ago.
    this info has been known about for quite a while, but powerful forces keep it from be prosecuted. Hopefully, biden being associated with it will get it moving. The people who want biden out, and would use such info for that purpose, don’t want themselves associated with the info. Sticky and nasty is the swamp. But this is starting to get to the heart of the swamp, if a swamp can have a heart, that is.

  7. So, I see the name Alexandra Chalupa, and for the whole rest of the article all I can hear in my head is “Drop the chalupa!”.

    It’s no wonder I can’t get anything done.

  8. A “serious” Biden campaign will open him up to scrutiny IF the party elite want him out. However, many of his crimes will implicate Obama and the Clintons. Old Joe may not live to see the primaries.


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