Destroying Biden – IOTW Report

Destroying Biden


Joe Biden: not my cup of tea, glass of IPA, shot of bourbon, caliber of gun or any other cutesy idiom you want. I’ve always seen him as a pompous bore, and, frankly, not terribly bright. I mean, folks, please, in 1988, he plagiarized from Neil Kinnock, yes, Neil Kinnock, another not very interesting, pompous bore full of conventional establishment “wisdom.” If you’re going to steal speeches from Kinnock . . . well, never mind.

In sum, if Biden ever had a “best-if-used-by” date he appears to have passed it–as we will see.

A typical old-style corrupt Democrat politician, a poor man’s Edward “Watch-What-My-Oldsmobile-Can-Do” Kennedy, Biden loved cameras, spouted 1980s vintage pedestrian “social justice” slogans, and yet nestled comfortably in the pocket of banking and credit card interests. He tried to portray himself as just, “Uncle Joe, your neighbor. Let’s have a beer.” Yawn. A bore. Only his gaffes, ponderous lectures, and hair-transplant travails made him mildly amusing. I found surprising when Obama picked him as his VP in 2008, but, those wiser explained that it made sense: Biden could bring in some middle class male white vote; perhaps ease the concerns of powerful financial people about Obama’s leftist views; serve as the voice of experience; and, of course, he would not outshine President Obama. A correct calculation? I don’t know. I leave that discussion to pollsters and campaign historians. I know one thing for certain, he did not capture this white dude’s vote, nor allay this white dude’s concerns about the Obama misadministration.

Well, Uncle Joe got himself screwed over in 2016. It seems he thought that eight years as Obama’s loyal sidekick finally would earn him, entitle him, ensure him the machine’s backing for the Democrat nomination that he had sought for some 30 years. Nope. Not so fast, white guy. Obama promised that to Hillary Clinton and her powerful money printing press. Joe was talked out of running, given a “surprise” Presidential Medal of Freedom, and sent off to graze in Delaware. See ya, Joe!  more here


h/t forcibly deranged.

20 Comments on Destroying Biden

  1. If Biden was supposed to allay the fears of white people about the radical Obama, perhaps it was unwise in 2012 to warn black folk in 2012 that Mitt Romney would put them back in chains.

    Biden is a self made man who quit work too early.
    He’s never had a job outside of politics, meaning he has no skills. He couldn’t even build a birdhouse.

  2. Joe Biden : Turned out to be my first failed late term abortion choice,,,
    I’m kidding (he’ll do) yet the list is so long. OK, Democrats form a line on the left side of the room,,

  3. Just in case anyone is interested in where that despicable little rodent the eRepublicans dearly love fits in on the IQ scale:

    A CBS instant poll of undecided voters taken immediately after tonight’s vice presidential debate found that Vice President Joe Biden handily beat Republican hopeful Paul Ryan among a group of undecided voters.

    Biden got 50 percent of the vote, whereas Ryan earned 31 percent. Nineteen percent said it was a tie.

  4. I remember that debate well. It wasn’t really a debate at all. Biden would bare his teeth and growl at Ryan.

    Ryan would hit the deck and expose his belly in puppy like submission.

  5. I think harris could be the designated hitter. They want biden out of the way. He is a liability at this point, and he is now also faced with a conundrum: If he bows out now, due to the gropey thing, he will lose face and probably reputation. If he stays in, he will be constantly asked about Ukraine and China and his son’s business dealings, and that will go on through out the entire campaign. If he doesn’t run, that issue could possibly be pushed off until after the election and, depending on that outcome, possibly be buried. If he were to not officially announce his candidacy, all the gropey stuff would go away, being buried in other candidates coverage. But run or not, the Ukrainium One issue must be revealed and resolved.
    I’m glad he is the one in his shoes, and not me.

  6. It LOOKS like the KLIN – TON Machine, clearing the deck of HER only serious competition.

    The Wicked Witch of Whereverthehellshe’sactuallyfrom, will steal ANOTHER nomination, and lose every BIT of 40 states in the general election. 😳

  7. A Biden/AOC ticket would be epic comedy. Too bad she is too young to run.

    I can see the two of them stuck inside one of those rotating doors, both pushing the opposite way.


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