Businesses! Book deals! 2020 Democrats to deliver socialism on their own silver platters – IOTW Report

Businesses! Book deals! 2020 Democrats to deliver socialism on their own silver platters


The 2020 Democratic field is running hard to the left as the Democratic Party celebrates socialism. But several of the candidates can well afford taking down capitalism at this point, because they’re already multimillionaires and have incomes in the top 1 percent.

Former Reps. Beto O’Rourke and John Delaney, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper are among the wealthiest Democratic presidential candidates. Other hopefuls have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in book royalties and speaking fees. estimates that O’Rourke was worth around $9 million in 2015. His 2017 House financial disclosure form shows assets ranging from $3.6 million to $16.6 million and liabilities ranging from $1.3 million to $5.8 million.

The former Texas representative co-founded an El Paso web and software company in the late ’90s, but much of his wealth comes from his wife Amy O’Rourke. She is the daughter of real estate tycoon Bill Sanders, who Forbes estimated is worth around $500 million.

Warren, who proposed a wealth tax on households worth more than $50 million, reported in a Federal Election Commission financial disclosure filing that she and her husband have investment accounts and other financial assets worth between $4 million and $11 million. That doesn’t include her three-story Victorian home in Cambridge, Mass., valued at nearly $2 million in 2015.

Warren reported no debts, and in 2017 also received nearly $400,000 in royalties for her book, This Fight Is Our Fight, her Senate financial disclosure showed.

Congressional rules prohibit members from accepting speaking honorariums and other types of outside income, but those with star power can supplement their $174,000 annual Congressional salary with hundreds of thousands of dollars from book royalties.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a self-described socialist, made more than $880,000 in book royalties and advances in 2017, his Senate financial disclosure revealed. He also owns three homes: a house in Burlington, Vt., a Washington, D.C., townhouse, and a $575,000 vacation lake home in Vermont that his family bought with cash in 2016.  THERE’S MORE

5 Comments on Businesses! Book deals! 2020 Democrats to deliver socialism on their own silver platters

  1. I can’t WAIT, until Trump starts reading from the BOOK of the democrap winner (loser!) in a debate, and the numbnut is standing there going, “Uhhh, duhhh, bluhhh, muhhh, zuhhh… WHUHH?!” 😆 😆 😆

  2. Look at the Baltimoron mayor Pew…I mean Pugh.
    She got paid big bucks for books that were never published, by the University of MD medical organization where she was in a leadership position.

  3. I need to write the book, “50 Ways To Love Your Lever”.

    It will be a coffee table book (do millennials have coffee tables?) with 50 glossy high definition photographs of lever rifles. I’ll even put the Martini-Henrys, short, and long lever, just to make it interesting.


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