Will black voters save Democrats from going too far left? – IOTW Report

Will black voters save Democrats from going too far left?




Which of the two dozen or so Democratic presidential candidates is going to carry black voters next year?

The answer to that question is likely to be identical to the answer to the question, which candidate is going to be the Democratic nominee and maybe even the president?

For years, black Americans have cast about one out of four votes in Democratic primaries. In 2016, they cast 71% of Democratic primary votes in Mississippi; 61% in South Carolina; 54% in Alabama; 51% in Georgia; 46% in Maryland; 32% in North Carolina and Tennessee; and 20%-28% in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Virginia, New York, Michigan, Missouri, and Ohio.

Near-unanimous black support helped nominate and elect the last three Democratic presidents — Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Near-unanimous, because black primary voters have tended to vote with solidly for one candidate over another, even against alternatives with serious claims on their support.

Such solidarity in voting makes sense for people identifying as part of a distinct group suffering from discrimination. For years, political reporters have listened as black preachers, avoiding outright endorsements, called for “unity.” Their congregations understood what they meant.

Blacks have voted 85% or more Democratic in every presidential election since 1964. In primaries, they voted in similar numbers for Carter over Ted Kennedy in 1980, for Jesse Jackson in 1984 and 1988, for Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008, and for Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016.

If the impulse toward solidarity prevails again in 2020, it’s not clear who will benefit. Joe Biden, after eight years as the faithful vice president to the nation’s first black president, leads among black voters in current polls. But will he run?  read more

34 Comments on Will black voters save Democrats from going too far left?

  1. @Jerry/MJA – I love your graphic interpretation, VERY good! But very graphic…ewww.

    Bubba WAS the first Black POTUS so do a GRAPHIC on that.
    Talk about smelly hairs…

    Hopefully black folks will come back to their ROOTS and vote conservative, POTUS is tapping into this.

    @Bad_Brad – good to have you back.

  2. I read a comment on FB by a black man who said he had always voted for democrats, but he isn’t going to vote for any democrat who is talking this crazy shit about not eating animals. No black man is going to vote for someone f…ing with their Q and fried chicken.

    Something tells me if I had written that about a black man, it would be racial profiling. He though had over 100 likes.

    This old white woman though does love her bbq and chicken.

  3. “two candidates with African ancestry, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, have backgrounds atypical of descendants of antebellum American slaves. Harris’s father is from Jamaica and Booker grew up in an affluent, 1% black suburb in New Jersey.”

    Harris’s mother is sub-Asia. She has no Negro Blood. Quit associating sun tans with race. Booker grew up in a white neighborhood without crime and can’t admit being homosexual much less a problem at the border.

  4. Anonymous

    Totally Bull Shit statement. How have the Democrats been treating blacks since the day they took their white hoods off?. What did Johnson say? A lot of that demographic is not savable. Those that are we need bad.

  5. Anonymous
    I don’t think there’s a piece of the map you haven’t covered. WTF?
    We need every vote, every Patriot, we can get. Trumps approval rating with Hispanic Americans is at 50%. Freaken amazing. We need the same number with the Black Community. The Socialist enemy is at the gates. There’s currently a big push from the young socialist Libtard Democrats to do away with the Electoral College. Which means L.A. and New York will elect every politician from here on out. Seems to me we fought a war over “Taxation Without Representation” one time. Tell me the difference. We need to nip this shit in the bud with our vote or we are going to war. So again, I say we need every Black vote we can garner.

  6. I’m all for what you are saying. But war is inevitable.

    No one will sway the ghetto scum. No one will sway the dyed in the wool socialist scum. They all will have to expire on a gibbet, or on the speaking end of the Martini.

    We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

  7. Well said, Brad! I don’t care what color you are, if you believe in Truth, Justice, and the American Way, (was that Superman?) believe in rights of all Americans to be the best they can be, without infringing on the rights of others, then I welcome you on my side. We need all the help we can get to defeat the enemies within!

  8. No Blushes
    “Don’t waste your money on the lottery,,,
    Your vote is just as worthless,,”
    Why would I vote then? Am I attack Brad? Or are you stupid? Just asking.
    EVERY ONE needs to vote. This is a very critical time.

  9. No Blushes

    Way to puss out on the actual issue. Weak shit. I guess this means you’re tapping out. Once again, everyone need to vote. We are at critical mass.

  10. No Blushes

    Did you type “Your vote is just as worthless”? Yes or no asshole.
    I’m starting to remember why I quit commenting here. Are you a stupid dick? why yes you are. Fuck off loser.

  11. Do you really want to get that personal piss ant. I guess this is a sign of desperation. My dear mother’s been dead for 10 years. And she was 200 times the person you or I am. Just hope we never meet. If you were looking for an enemy you got one, An amateur move. Loser

  12. Brad, you miss twitter don’t you?
    And F’ your online threats you childish POS,,
    Never invited you sick twisted bitch,,
    Bring it, you’d be dropped like a used condom,,

  13. No, liberal black voters will not keep the Left from going to far. They are to enslaved. However, on the bright side, President Trump has made at least a dent in the stronghold the Left has over the self-defeating liberal black voter. That means there are less black voters for Skamala, Spartacus – his alter ego, Willie, Crazy Burnie, and the rest of the Demoncrats presidential candidate clown car occupants.
    By November 2020, leftist driven black voters, as usual will be lead by the nose like cattle and vote for the Democrat Presidental Candidate – whoever that will be.

    Although the majority of black voters support the Left’s political agenda, don’t dismiss the growing number of black conservatives. Too many on this thread are acting like it doesn’t matter. Not, you Bad_Brad, you’ve always recognized black conservatives should be encouraged – Thanks.
    Also, thanks to President Trump, black Americans in this era can see conservatism works, compared to the Left’s bullcrap and lies.


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