Comedic duo The Hodgetwins open up about what it’s like to be conservative in the comedy world. – IOTW Report

Comedic duo The Hodgetwins open up about what it’s like to be conservative in the comedy world.


The two say they used to be very private about their political views, but now, they aren’t afraid to talk about their support for President Donald Trump while poking fun at the left and anything else they feel like cracking a joke about.

Now, their political openness didn’t come without backlash; the Hodgetwins say they have lost fans but at the same time have gained new ones.

“Well, we lost a lot of black fans,” they said. “Our shows used to bring in a good mix — black, white, Hispanic — but now, it looks like a Bruce Springsteen concert.”

In an interview with The Daily Caller, the Hodgetwins also joke about some of the most-talked-about stories this week, including the Joe Biden #Metoo controversy, Jussie Smollett and the crisis at the border.   Watch

8 Comments on Comedic duo The Hodgetwins open up about what it’s like to be conservative in the comedy world.

  1. “Our shows used to bring in a good mix — black, white, Hispanic — but now, it looks like a Bruce Springsteen concert.”

    …if they’re actually conservative, it might LOOK like (the fans at a) a Bruce Springsteen concert, but it SURE won’t ACT like one…

  2. I had been a big fan for years when pretty much all they did were weight lifting videos-however when they came out bemoaning George Zimmerman and his defensive killing of Martin, I bailed.

    Funny thing happened, my gal got hip to them about a year ago and showed me what she was laughing at. Well how about that, they apparently had gone Diamond & Silk. I watched some of their videos and heard them blasting homies for being…shall we say, not up to stuff.

    Long story short, we caught them late last year in Lubbock and their show is a hoot-we laughed our butts off. They took questions and lamented the loss of a lot of black fans but rebounded with their famous, fuck it.

    Met them after the show back stage and thanked them for playing small towns like Lubbock(they had just played 2 huge, sold out shows in Dallas) and they couldn’t have been more gracious. If you get a chance to see them and it looks like they’re on a never ending tour, do it.

    I don’t how in the world they’re so healthy eating that much fast food, Lordie.


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