Report: Joe Biden ‘Seething’ Behind the Scenes Despite Contrite Video – IOTW Report

Report: Joe Biden ‘Seething’ Behind the Scenes Despite Contrite Video

Breitbart: Fox Business Network reporter Charles Gasparino said Wednesday that former Vice President and potential 2020 candidate Joe Biden is “seething” behind the scenes at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), whose campaign he believes is behind media scrutiny of him getting too close for comfort with myriad women.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

CHARLES PAYNE: It’s not just Joe Biden’s video on Twitter that makes it look like he’s running. Joe Biden’s associates are also telling Wall Street donors he’s running. […]

CHARLES GASPARINO: You know, Charles, I’m going to prefaces this by saying as of yesterday, the reason why I do this — it’s up to the minute — but you never know what’s going to happen in a week from now. But, as of yesterday, this is what we know from Joe Biden’s associates, these are guys on Wall Street, people that he’s spent a long time cultivating. What they’re saying is he is telling them and his associates are telling them he is definitely running. Word is, as of yesterday, again, 100 percent in. He’s committed to run. What’s interesting about this is that they’re telling me, some of these attacks, I mean, I know he put out the statement today where he, you know, basically showed some contrition, correct? But, behind the scenes he’s seething. He really believes that these are coordinated attacks, at least some of them from the Sanders campaign — Bernie Sanders. He really believes it’s coming from them.


19 Comments on Report: Joe Biden ‘Seething’ Behind the Scenes Despite Contrite Video

  1. Hey Joe
    Where you going with that hat in your hand?
    Hey Joe
    I said, where you going with that hat in your hand?
    Hey Joe, alright one more time, baby
    Hey Joe, said now
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you going to run to?
    Hey Joe, I said
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you, where you going to go?
    ~I’m going way down south
    ~Way down to Mexico way
    ~I’m going way down south
    ~Way down where I can be free
    ~There’s no one going to find me
    Well, dig it
    ~Ain’t gonna put a rope around me
    ~You better believe it right now
    ~I got to go now
    Hey Joe
    You better run on down
    ~Goodbye everybody, ow!
    Hey Joe, uh
    Run on down

  2. I’m sure he’s pulling out his fake hair and gnashing his fake teeth.

    The thing is that he could have just rode off into the sunset and let his son be the passthrough so he could enjoy his ill-gotten gains from his the filthy Russ and Chi-Com money he hooked him up with while in office. And swum naked in the pool eternal.

    But, no. He needed the attention and the adoration. To feel relevant. You don’t have Obama’s skin color to hide behind now, do you boy?

  3. “Give it time to circulate” when referring to announce running with Joe’s creepiness.

    Haven’t we been circulating Joe’s creepiness for a good decade at this point? So what, Bernie re-uploads videos from 5 years ago that we’ve all seen and Joe wants to give it time to circulate before announcing? And he’s announcing because he’s pissed at Bernie circulating the creepiness?

    WTF, how far behind the times are these people? Even the people involved. Then again I’m not enamored with what the Kardashians are wearing for nail polish today.

  4. What is he ‘seething’ about? He created the whole fukcing atmosphere along with his party.

    Screewwwww eeww him.

    Just Session swooshing away his hands, which I saw years ago, was good enough for me.

    That one incident gave me hope in what Sessions what supposed to have done with that Swamp.

    Oh well!

    (can someone PLEASE tell me, that he might be working in the shadows with POTUS to drain away?)

    Could that whole thing been ‘good cop bad cop’?


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