Social norms have changed? – IOTW Report

Social norms have changed?

Patriot Retort: After being pummeled for days over his handsy groping, Joe Robinette Biden Jr. released a painful video on Twitter to explain himself.

Notice I say “explain himself.”  Because the one thing he doesn’t do is, you know, apologize for being a sniffing, fondling creep.

But what really irritates me about Joe’s explanation is his claim that social norms have changed.  And he gets that.

Now, I’m not 76 like Joe Biden.  But I will be 56 in less than three weeks.

Which means I was nine years old when Joe Biden first became a US Senator.

And let me tell you something.  If first-term Senator Biden had sidled up behind me to nuzzle against me while his wandering hands migrated down to my chest, my mother would have punched him in the ‘nads.

Because even in 1972, social norms did not allow for pervy old men to fondle little girls.

Social norms didn’t suddenly change, Joe.  keep reading

13 Comments on Social norms have changed?

  1. Well, I’m an old fart and groping has never been a social norm in my lifetime.
    Hard for me to believe some chick hasn’t kneed him in the groin at some point in his years of groping.
    Doesn’t matter who he is, lay the drunk pervy uncle acting bastid out.


    he finally “gets it”,

    after 40 years,

    when it’s preventing him from getting what he wants,

    and democrats are angry,

    and a democrat woman was vocal about it.

    Yeah, sounds like he’s had an epiphany.

  3. I don’t really care about the grown women he gropes, if they’re too damn stupid to pull away, slap him or tell him to back off that’s their problem.

    The kids though make me want to lock him up. Watching him with all those little girls is convincing enough to me that he has gotten away with molesting a lot of children.

    I don’t get the parents, why wouldn’t you get your child away from him and tell him to not touch your child?

  4. “Social Norms” are not what D.C. politicians have ever practiced. To succeed in D.C. a politician has to be very blackmailable, to be controllable while holding office. And that applies to every office. What Biden has been allowed to get away with by his political colleagues has been “ordinary conduct” for many, for years. So it wasn’t even noticed! From out of the past there are condemning, nauseating records of reprehensible conduct as bad as, or even worse than Biden’s “known” behavior.

    TV Documentary ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ was to air on Discovery about a VIP Pedophile Ring that Flew Kids in to Washington DC, but was Cancelled Due to Threats
    By Lee Floyd| May 3rd, 1994|

    Franklin Cover Up Private Investigator, Gary Caradori, and 8yr Old Son Killed in Plane Explosion
    By Lee Floyd| July 11th, 1990

    The Washington Times Reports on a Gay Prostitution Ring that had Intimate Connections with the White House all the way up to President George HW Bush
    By Lee Floyd| June 29th, 1989|Child Trafficking / Pedophilia, Conspiracy, Cover ups|

  5. @tRuth: ““Social Norms” are not what D.C. politicians have ever practiced.”

    “Barney Frank and the Male Prostitute – 1989
    … In a third blockbuster scandal, Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank admitted a lengthy relationship with a male hooker who ran a bisexual prostitution service out of Frank’s apartment….”

    It is part of their profession. It is what they do.
    It is unfortunate, but it is what ‘social norms’ are in DC.

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