Comey Scolds Resistance: No Collusion Finding ‘Should Be Good News’ – IOTW Report

Comey Scolds Resistance: No Collusion Finding ‘Should Be Good News’

WFB: James Comey, the former FBI director and 2016 election villain turned anti-Trump resistance hero, had some harsh words for Democrats distraught over the reported findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling.

“It’s a very good thing that the special counsel appears to have concluded there isn’t sufficient evidence to establish any Americans were part of this effort,” Comey told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “I don’t care what party you’re in, that should be good news to you as an American citizen.”

The news has not been well received by members of the so-called anti-Trump “resistance,” many of whom were expecting Mueller report to yield further indictments and uncover evidence of President Donald Trump’s direct involvement in a Russian conspiracy to steal the election.

In his summary of the Mueller report, Attorney General William Barr wrote that the Special Counsel’s investigation “did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

Some members of Mueller’s team, however, are reportedly displeased with Barr’s framing of the report, and have begun leaking to national media outlets to complain. NBC’s Ken Dilanian reports that some investigators believe they evidence they found “paint[s] a picture of a campaign whose members were was manipulated by a sophisticated Russian intelligence operation.” MORE

9 Comments on Comey Scolds Resistance: No Collusion Finding ‘Should Be Good News’

  1. As for those displeased members of the Mueller team, who are they? Are they the ones actually claiming to be displeased or is it someone else making that claim? Are they even real people or are they fictional people?

    Remember that sources such as the New York Times and NBC have a strong history of presenting fictitious anonymous sources to make false claims (lies) against Trump and anyone on his side.

  2. . . .evidence they found “paints a picture of members manipulated by a sophisticated Russian intelligence operation.”

    . . .And the MSM are the “Members”

    Stroke. Stroke.

  3. First Brennan, now Comey. These Fire-breathers are getting pretty mealy-mouthed lately. These guys had better hope that Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud stay buried. The counter-investigation is ramping up, and those two names are back in the news. People are going to start asking where they are. Better be a real good explanation for their disappearance.

  4. “…there isn’t sufficient evidence to establish any Americans were part of this effort…”

    Uh, huh. Riiiiiight. Hillary, Obama, etc. had nothing to do with it.

    Who does he think he’s kidding?

  5. Update on “missing Mifsud”, from Papadopoulos Twitter:

    “Joseph Mifsud, the man who “told” me that the “Russians have emails” was no Russian asset, but an FBI/Italian intel asset. He’s currently in Italy on the payroll of Italian intelligence services. Italy will give him up soon.”

    I guess this means Halper will also be coming in from the cold soon. The spooks will have to face the music, after all


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