Finally! Mitch McConnell shuts down Democrats’ obstruction of confirmation of Trump appointees – IOTW Report

Finally! Mitch McConnell shuts down Democrats’ obstruction of confirmation of Trump appointees

AT: Because of unprecedented abuse of Senate rules, two and a half years into his presidency, President Trump has not been able to put all of his own qualified, confirmable appointees into senior-level positions.  This obstructionism has allowed Obama administration holdovers to obstruct and sabotage implementation of his policies (and to leak to the media).
Senate Democrats have cynically exploited the Senate rules allowing 30 hours of debate of each appointee to slow down the staffing of his administration.  Finally, Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell yesterday pushed through a majority-vote measure that changes those rules, limiting debate to two hours per appointment.

The same trick has been used to limit the confirmation of federal judges, and those rules also have been changed.


6 Comments on Finally! Mitch McConnell shuts down Democrats’ obstruction of confirmation of Trump appointees

  1. Boy, taxpayers sure over pay for the little positive results our government produces. Has anyone ever given Congress a time and motion study??? If not, its way past due.

  2. The Democrats fight to win using the rules when it’s convenient and ignoring them when it isn’t.

    When the situation is reversed, the Republicans play the nice guy fools and go along with almost everything the Democrats want.

    That’s why the country is in the divided condition it is in with half of it heading sharply left and the other half not understanding why or what to do about it.

  3. Anonymous at 11:27 am

    “That’s why the country is in the divided condition it is in with half of it heading sharply left. . .”

    It is way less than half.

    A very vocal minority and complicit main stream media have spun the illusion of half for you to you and through you now.


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