Backfire: How Subpoena of Unredacted Mueller Report Will Hurt Democrats – IOTW Report

Backfire: How Subpoena of Unredacted Mueller Report Will Hurt Democrats

The House Judiciary Committee, on a party-line vote, subpoenas the unredacted Mueller report. Bill Whittle illustrates what real openness in government can mean. Will the Democrats’ demand backfire and hurt their own prospects in 2020 and beyond?

8 Comments on Backfire: How Subpoena of Unredacted Mueller Report Will Hurt Democrats

  1. I say release it to them but only via a webpage that the general public also has access to & let them download it from there. That way the Progs can’t skewer anything against President Trump & they can’t escape what incriminates them. They’ll end up tossing each other from the frying pan into the fire.

  2. Why is this even a discussion. Trump and Barr have said from the very beginning that as much as can be released will be.

    Why is this being discussed as if there has been any resistance at ALL to this.

    BUT bear in mind that there MUST be redactions. (Whittle is wrong). Grand Jury material and classified material cannot be released. Period.

    It’s all irrelevant though. The screeching and subpoena’ing from the Dems is to create the appearance that there has been some kind of transparency resistance, and Bill Whittle and too many conservatives appear to be falling for that. The screaming from Dems isn’t about what’s in the report; it’s to make a brouhaha, and too many in the media are falling for that, merely by discussing it.

    Bear in mind, however, that if three words are redacted, the screaming will continue.

    They will never be satisfied.

    So let’s stop feeding them.

  3. True Dat, banjo willy, you first cousin banging bastard!
    No dis-respect meant , just a re-action to your handle,,,,
    Be well,,,
    So right about Elijah Cummings!

  4. What EE said. Transparency is only expected of the Right. Leftist are immune, or they at least get to make up their own definition as to how it applies to them.

  5. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but if Grand Jury and classified material were publicized prior to a hearing, would that not give the defense grounds to declare a mistrial, regardless of what the material contained?


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