‘HILLARY 2.0’: Ocasio-Cortez Speaks To Black Audience In Accent, Gets Accused Of Racism – IOTW Report

‘HILLARY 2.0’: Ocasio-Cortez Speaks To Black Audience In Accent, Gets Accused Of Racism

DW: Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was accused of making patronizing and racist remarks on Friday when she used an accent to tell an audience of predominately black people that there is nothing wrong with them serving other people in low skilled jobs for their careers.

“This is what organizing looks like, this is what building power looks like, this is what changing the country looks like,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a southern accent while speaking at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in New York City.

“I’m proud to be a bartender, ain’t nothin wrong with that,” Ocasio-Cortez continued. “There’s nothing wrong with working retail, folding clothes for other people to buy. There is nothing wrong with preparing the food that your neighbors will eat. There is nothing wrong with driving the buses that take your family to work.”  WATCH

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments immediately sparked outrage as many accused her of racism, noting that her accent while speaking to black people was similar to how two-time failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would speak to black people — which was widely condemned as racist.

Here are some of the responses that Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks elicited on social media:

“This embarrassment of a woman @AOC really got up there and did that raggedy accent in front of all those black people,” One Twitter user posted. “PSA: Not all black people are improper. Not all black people fold clothes and drive buses.”  MORE


h/t Jimmy.


Noways tarred–

37 Comments on ‘HILLARY 2.0’: Ocasio-Cortez Speaks To Black Audience In Accent, Gets Accused Of Racism

  1. Meanwhile, on CNN tonight:

    Freshman lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made history by becoming the first member of Congress to take questions from the electorate while assembling IKEA furniture live on Instagram. CNN’s Jeanne Moos reports.

    Yeah, she and CNN both made history. Could there possibly have ever been anything more stupid than a story like this in the history of TV news?

  2. Violence is never the answer,,, however I’d enjoy seeing Shirley from ‘What’s Happenin’ bitch slaps this idiot into a deep fryer while Rerun, Dwayne, Raj, and Dee laughs their ass off.

  3. To an audience of over-the-hill actresses:

    Sisters, like you I have been raped hundreds of times by Harvey Weinstein…orally, anally, vaginally, in between my breasts, in my right hand, between my toes, in my ear, under my armpit, and every other possible way you can think of.

    When he wasn’t raping me, he was trying to ruin my career because I always rejected his advances.

    YES, SISTERS, WE ARE THE VICTIMS OF THE PATRIARCHICAL SYSTEM. But now that I am boss, that will all change! We will make MEN the victims.

  4. To an audience of Irishmen:

    (hic)…someone pour me…(hic) another whiskey, and bring me a big glass of Guinness too (urp)…Here’s to the Pope in Rome…(hic)

    Farther, forgive me…(urp).

  5. To an audience of Indians:

    Kemosabes….my mother was a Blackfoot, and my father was a Big Nez.

    let us all bang our war drums together in solidarity. The white devils stole our homes, raped our women, and took our children to be their slaves. Let us take back the land and send all the white devils back to Italy and Africa.

  6. Check her YouTube account…
    You’ll see she’s been binge-watching SANFORD & SON with a couple of episodes of AMOS & ANDY tossed in for a distinct Harlem touch.

    You go girl, an OSCAR® awaits.

  7. From deaf people:
    waves hands around in symbolic solidarity:
    “THANK YOU ONE for not shooting at us.”
    Come on Arron, that’s funny!
    Sincere regards and best wishes,,

  8. Hill_dog was called out as racist for her affectation? That’s new. Guess I missed the outrage from her peeps that ate still crying about her loss, the racist beeeotch.

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