DC- A California coroner’s jury decided late Thursday that a lesbian couple killed themselves and their six adopted children by driving off a cliff in March 2018.

After a Wednesday coroner’s inquest, the jury found Jennifer and Sarah Hart killed themselves and murdered their family March 26, 2018, when they drove off a cliff in Mendocino County, The Associated Press reported.

Their six adopted children, ages 12 to 19, all died in the crash.

Authorities opened an investigation into the couple’s alleged mistreatment of their children just days before the fatal crash, sending social workers to the house March 23, according to the AP. The Harts left their home in Woodland, Washington, and drove to northern California, where they died.

Records recovered from Sarah Hart’s phone show deleted searches about suicide, Benadryl dosage methods, and whether drowning is painful, according to California Highway Patrol investigator Jake Slates.

After recovering the family’s bodies, authorities determined Sarah Hart had toxic levels of Benadryl in her body, according to Mendocino County Sheriff Deputy Robert Julian. Jennifer Hart also had a blood alcohol level over the legal driving limit, Slates said.  more here


  1. Selfish. Psychotic. Vile.
    I don’t give a crap about those two whores, and I know I couldn’t change it either way, but I genuinely hope that God has those six poor children in his hands… I really do.

    Mentally ill people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt. The cruelty those harpies inflicted upon kids they only adopted for woke points and political props… it makes me sick to read about it.

  2. It’s more mass murder/suicide than murder/suicide.

    How freaking sick do you have to be to decide murdering your children is preferable to them being taken away from you over suspected abuse?

    “We didn’t abuse our kids! And to prove it, we’re going to kill them all!”

    I hope these women are enjoying hell.

  3. I think the term for these two women is Family Annihilators. From what I’ve read they are extremely mentally disturbed (not sure if their gayness came into it) and rare and kill the whole family to end or prevent suffering to the children happening now or they think will happen if the parents kill themselves and leave the children alone. It’s a damn shame they didn’t leave a note outlining why the hell they would do this to their kids.

    I think when an adoption takes place the first and most desirable parents are a Man and a Woman. Down the list would be gay couples however if some have kids reached that age where they become non-adoptable I think very stable (emotionally, financially and psychologically) can be given an opportunity to change the life of an child. They would need more supervision then other couples but could very well stop some black child going from foster to foster then graduating to a gang then prison.

  4. WTH! That was established when they found the van over the cliff. I visited the area right where the lezzie drove it off and it was intentional. So, who are they going to prosecute? They’re DEAD!

  5. scr_north said: “It’s a damn shame they didn’t leave a note outlining why the hell they would do this to their kids.”

    First of all the chilldrun were nothing more than a cash cow to those two lezzies. They only pretended to be caring individuals. When the cash cow was about to be taken from them, the only way out was to get even with those kids. Remember, they went to the neighbors complaining that they were hungry. In Minnesota one of the lezzies was arrested for spanking one of the chilldrun. So, only way out was to eliminate themselves and the chilldrun – their cash cow. It’s always about the money. P.S. They weren’t the lezzies chilldrun, they were pawns.

  6. I pored over everything I could find concerning this heinous act — even listened to more than an hour and a half of the coroner’s inquest. What became increasingly obvious to me was the role that “virtue” per se seemed to be at the heart of these two women’s lives. Looking at pictures of them and especially of them with the children, it jumped out at me how staged every picture was. There seemed to be a great deal of energy on display for the camera and public consumption — as though they lived for Facebook and social media. A perfect depiction of two loving homo women and their perfect largess in adopting six children “of color”. They wanted the world to see how angelic, how self-sacrificing, how tolerant, how ideal and thorough their rainbow fantasy. Big Al Franken and Bernie supporters. So many pictures of the kids all trouped together with matching political tee shirts and signs declaring every sort of far Left dogma. They used those kids (writ small) in the same way the Left/Democrats use minority groups at rallies — as show props. They used the kids publicly and abused them privately the same way Democrats put on a good show in public but then destroy families and cities by their policies.

    My theory is that those two monsters were so sucked in to their own fantasy of Utopian perfection as displayed on social media that their biggest fear was being found out and having their nutso world revealed — not even so much to the rest of the world, but to themselves.

    P.S. I loathed that in the coroner’s inquest the resulting cause of death was ruled: “suicide and ‘death at the hands of another'”. Assholes. They couldn’t even use the word “murder.”

  7. Remember folks, the biggest rush of satisfaction Diabolical Narcissists experience is from the getting away with it. They act out publicly, egregiously, and then wallow and luxuriate in the sense of power and domination they feel when no one does a damn thing, and their victims even defend or cover for the DN’s abusive or even criminal behavior. They STUDY the hopelessness and effeminate impotence of their victims, too cowed by the DN to confront him (or her).

    Ann Barnhardt

    And make no mistake about it, these kids were sacrificed to the cause of advancing progressivism. I have been commenting on the OLive page, getting large numbers of thumbs up, and the progs don’t like it one bit that I am calling their complicity in this whole sordid event out.

  8. They cooked up a shtick by which they would become the toast of the progressive activist set and looked for a place that it would play well in. They moved to the greater Portland/Vanvouver area and with the help of the local media they were succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. They were “untouchable” by the local and State social service agencies (who went along to the bitter end), but individual local LEOs, and neighbors, had had more than they could take of this charade and word was getting out.

    In order to minimize collateral damage the local activist community had distanced themselves from the family because they had gotten word that was in the tea leaves.

    These kids were used all their lives as props by people who have a long and sordid history of manipulating and cajoling vulnerable populations for their own gain.

    Remember folks, the biggest rush of satisfaction Diabolical Narcissists experience is from the getting away with it. They act out publicly, egregiously, and then wallow and luxuriate in the sense of power and domination they feel when no one does a damn thing, and their victims even defend or cover for the DN’s abusive or even criminal behavior. They STUDY the hopelessness and effeminate impotence of their victims, too cowed by the DN to confront him (or her).
    Ann Barnhardt

    And the abuse here goes far beyond the two adults in the household, it extends to the “it takes a community” crowd who wear compassion on their sleeves as a badge of honor. There was a veritable tsunami of virtue signaling going on throughout the subculture these kids were part of and the players know who they are, but continue to hide behind a facade of “good intentions,” failing to shoulder any responsibility for this tragedy.

  9. Since they were both crazy ass dykes, no one dare hint that maybe they were unfit to have so many foster kids and adoptees. Imagine being such a fucking asshole that when you off yourself, you have to take a bunch of terrified little kids with you. I hope those carpet-munching pieces of shit burn in Hell forever.


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