China: Doctors Admit to Live Harvesting of Organs – IOTW Report

China: Doctors Admit to Live Harvesting of Organs

ET: When investigators in Canada began looking into allegations of forced organ harvesting on a mass scale in China, one of the ways they gathered information was making phone calls to the hospitals involved posing as patients needing an organ.

It was back in 2006 that former secretary of state David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas uncovered evidence that Falun Gong prisoners of conscience were being killed on demand to supply China’s organ transplant industry.

Their subsequent report, titled “Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs,” concluded that imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners were indeed being used to service a lucrative and burgeoning transplant industry.

One of the many methods the researchers used in their investigation was to call the hospitals in China where organ harvesting takes place and speak to medical professionals, assuming the identity of a transplant patient or the relative of someone in need of an organ. In many cases, those they spoke to admitted that they were sourcing organs for transplant from Falun Gong practitioners.

The following is a transcript of some of the recorded calls (translated from Mandarin) documented in the 2006 and 2016 reports as well as from the China Organ Harvest Research Center.  more here

15 Comments on China: Doctors Admit to Live Harvesting of Organs

  1. The pervasive idea that everyone in the world thinks and acts as we do, that Western Civilization’s fundamentals are universal and a common morality exists among all people, is going to be the death of us.

  2. @Walpurgis –

    It already is, right here at home. The majority of Americans don’t think like the majority of people on this website. Nor do they understand what the people here understand.

  3. Back in 2001 after passing stones for about thirty years, we cut my right kidney out and threw it in the slop bucket. Thinking back I wonder if I could have made a few bucks on selling it?

  4. Its hard to fathom the patience of God.He drowned this planet for far less and burned sodom because of homos.but now this planet has outpaced it all.sure happy i am on his side. 😉

  5. @Walpurgis April 6, 2019 at 11:18 am

    > is going to be the death of us

    But, isn’t it more patriotic, more adult, more what Jesus would do, to have The United States of America kill you, so you can die a loyal citizen of The United States of America, than to live — along with your descendants — as Americans, who are no longer loyal citizens of The United States of America?

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