Capital One Says ‘No’ to Democrats’ Request For Trump Records – IOTW Report

Capital One Says ‘No’ to Democrats’ Request For Trump Records

Sara Carter: As the Attorney General defends his summary of Mueller Report, democrats keep digging finding new ways to increase scrutiny on President Trump. This time they are targeting his bank records.

As reported by, last month three top House of Representatives democrats, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) requested  documentation from Capital One Bank related to the President’s business holdings.

Capital One responded that they are preserving the records but “given the confidentiality obligations we have as a financial institution, including under state and federal law we respectfully request that any production of materials be made pursuant to a subpoena rather than an informal request.”  more here

11 Comments on Capital One Says ‘No’ to Democrats’ Request For Trump Records

  1. None of their freakin’ business. That info should be between the bank and their customer…period. I’ve had it with all this “transparency” crap.

    Even worse is the tax return bullshit. I think it was Nixon that started that stupid idea, part of his “I’m not a crook.” fiasco. The IRS is obligated, BY LAW, to keep that information confidential. Why the hell would anyone just offer it up like that, and create a minefield for every president after you?

  2. If only Capitol One could reduce their interest rates to US citizens and not grant no-interest loans to Muslims because of Syria Law.
    Who’s really in your wallet?

  3. About time people and organizations grew a backbone and started saying a long, loud NO! to every politician Tom’s Hairy Dick casual request for citizens’ private information.

  4. Agrees! Toxic Deplorable B Woodman.
    If only a law could be enacted to prevent every politician Tom’s Hairy Dick not to be promoted on the MSM,,
    Needs a new chat other than ‘Lock her up’,,,
    More like ‘chop it off’.
    What you think?


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