Violence and harassment against Trump supporters and GOP in California – IOTW Report

Violence and harassment against Trump supporters and GOP in California

AT: As a result of Trump Derangement Syndrome, a political era of low-grade (so far) terror has been imposed on visible Trump supporters and Republicans in California. People like me are forced to conceal our politics when out and about. My MAGA hat has never been worn outside the confines of my house, and a bumper sticker is out of the question. This is not civil political disagreement, it is an atmosphere of intimidation, and if anything, it is getting worse.

Democrats made a choice right after Election Day in 2016 to attempt to delegitimize the presidency of Donald Trump based on the phony Russia collusion charge, and deriving from and in support of that, to characterize him and his supporters as racists, traitors, and evil. The Democrat Media Complex have created a tidal wave of deliberate lies and misrepresentations to support this view, the most prominent being distorting Trump’s remarks about good people on both sides in Charlottesville, specifically directed at supporters of retaining historical statues of Confederate figures, into purported support for neo-Nazis, a tiny fraction of those present. Similar treatment has altered his remarks about rapists being among those flooding across our border — an indisputable fact – into a supposed blanket condemnation of Hispanics.

These are vicious lies, and they have gained a lot of credence among progressives, already full of hate.

As a result, in places where progressives think they are in charge, the weak-minded and disturbed among them feel they have a license to harass a and attack.  more here

20 Comments on Violence and harassment against Trump supporters and GOP in California

  1. When I was at UC Berkeley in the 80s the Air Force ROTC building was burned down.
    Lots of campaigning against the Reagan wars, Grenada, El Salvador etc.
    I moved every year, so registered to vote several times – always at the Democrat registration table in Sproul Plaza. They weren’t happy when I checked the Republican box, but I never was questioned at the voting booth!

  2. The boss at my house has banned me from getting and wearing a MAGA hat. She is afraid of the consequences, not of my conservative beliefs.

    But the good part of not expressing political beliefs is that liberals have no idea how many of us hate them. I hope they get overly confident and start their damned revolt. If they do, we will settle things then.

  3. It wont be kent state either. At least not at first.
    Donald John Trump will win in a quiet massive landslide bigger than Reagan’s.
    Dumbass krauts wont accept. Maybe then kent state.

  4. To be quite honest, I don’t really worry much about 2020. I worry more about 2024. Who on the republican side will be the freewheeling truth speaking, who cares about the consequences, nut busting, media destroying, super human, confrontational person to fill Donald’s shoes?

    Big Fur Hat 2024!!!

    Or me. 2024!!!!

    I’m doing opposition research on you Fur. Anonymous Sources tell me that you hired feral kittens to crap and piss on a shredded edition of Pravda that had an image of Vladimir Putin on it.

    Sorry about that Russian collusion connection dude.

    So it has to be PHenry for 2024. Not very rhyme-.y. But Hat doesn’t rhyme with 24 either.
    The only word that rhymes with Four is…oh forget it.

  5. I’d vote for PHenry. But I might be living at sea then, so voting might be difficult. (If Fur throws his BIG FUR HAT into the ring, I might have to reconsider…) 😀

  6. PHenry

    Every election cycle the Libtard Voter Fraud gets worse. Look at the “vote harvesting” that took place in Florida and California. In California 85% of Republican that were declared winners were over thrown days, sometimes weeks after the election. Nothings been done about this. The Democrat candidates that were “installed” don’t belong in office. 2020 stands to be much worse on Steroids. I worry a LOT about 2020.
    I occasionally wear a MAGA Hat. I’ve never had an issue. However my favorite hat is a Trijicon hat that I have the 13 Colony Flag patch on. I’ve been asked twice by nasty woman, what’s that suppose to signify? I figured if they were asking that question they were both looking for trouble. I told them both to F off. One of them kept after it and I gave her the old Austin Powers zip it routine. That’s pisses my kids off, and it worked on her too.

  7. I’d vote PHenry if we could get a consensus on how to pronounce his name.

    Is it “PH”-enry? Is the “PH” silent? Pronounced Fenry?

    From a marketing standpoint it’s all a little hazy.

  8. Perry, great tactic!
    Benito, you scare me Dude, even though my Mom may enjoy your offer,
    Handy W Agun, sure you will after be alive,
    Jerry, love the conundrum you propose,
    Left Coast Dan, bowls and nods,,,
    Never voted before and found out my family was democrat.

  9. After close examination of my questionable background and indiscrete encounters with disreputable females, i have suspended my 2024 campaign for president and enthusiastically throw my full support to BFH.
    Nuts. Apparently the genius of politics can’t even post a concession speech after a couple of bourbons.

  10. I wear my MAGA hat around, but won’t put stickers on the Lazlomobile.
    No sense inviting vandalism.
    I don’t wear the hat in the big city, why let some twat cost me 100k in Lawyerin’ fees.
    This is the age of the Mob.
    Going Grey Man is my strategery

  11. I actually saw a car in the parking lot at the grocery store today sporting Trump stickers.
    A circa 1980 Ford Taurus station wagon.

    I think campus reform was trolling. Ha ha.


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