Keeping GOP Senate majority in 2020 could get easier – IOTW Report

Keeping GOP Senate majority in 2020 could get easier

AT: The Republicans have almost twice as many Senate seats up for re-election as Democrats do in 2020, (22 to 12), a raising the prospect of Democrat control of both the House and Senate. While it is unusual for the party of a president to pick up seats in a midterm election, the Democrats had 26 seats up for re-election, and the GOP was able to pick up 2, enlarging its majority. That majority is fragile in 2020.

But news from Senator Joe Manchin raises hope of at least one GOP pick-up. Burgess Meredith reports in Politico:

Just five months off the race of his life, Joe Manchin is mulling a run for governor in 2020 against GOP Gov. Jim Justice.

The Democratic senator said in an interview Thursday that he’s once again “thinking about” running for the “best job in the world”: governor of West Virginia.   more here

7 Comments on Keeping GOP Senate majority in 2020 could get easier

  1. Fraud. Fraud. And Fraud. Look the Fxck out. It’s coming both barrels. The Libtards are already concerned that DJT won’t leave peacefully if beaten. WTF does that mean. They are Telegraphing. You’re Gd Damn right we’re not giving up the country to Socialists. Am I paranoid and delusional. Hell yea. Mean while, buy more ammo. You will need it.

  2. trouble w/ Manchin dropping out is that he usually cancelled out one of the republitards (Collins, Murkowski, Romney, etc.) & gave a ‘consensus’. w/out him the demorat senate will be lock-step against Trump

    (is it just me, or does everyone else here want to kick the living shit out of the idiot Mormons in Utah for voting Romney in? he’s a big a shitweasel as McStain)

  3. Guys, remember: we’re dealing with the GOPe. They’d sooner throw the election than take on the responsibilty of governing for us.

    Rats, crooks, wimps and fakes. That’s the majority of the GOP.

  4. it will be another squeaker. Look at all the extra votes the ddemocrats have to steal to cover all the democrats defecting and voting to MAGA

  5. If Joe’s lips were moving when he said he’s thinking of dropping out of the senate and running for governor. Well, you know what is indicated by the moving lips of a politician.

  6. Easy win for GOP… Enforce laws and there wont be any dem party left to run. Start with aiding and abetting illegals. 5yrs in the pen. Federal law. From Congress down to sanctuary states and cities. Death for aiding and abetting that causes death, sanctuary states and cities.

    It’s the law! Enforce it!


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