‘BLAME WHITEY MOVEMENT’ — Former ACLU Exec slams reparations ‘Buffoonery’ – IOTW Report

‘BLAME WHITEY MOVEMENT’ — Former ACLU Exec slams reparations ‘Buffoonery’

DC: Former ACLU Executive Committee member Michael Meyers criticized the slavery reparations movement as “sheer racial rhetoric” and “buffoonery.”

Appearing on Friday night’s edition of “The Ingraham Angle,” Meyers also slammed civil rights leader Al Sharpton, who last week made it a point to directly ask Democratic presidential candidates who appeared at his National Action Network conference whether or not they would support a bill to study the issue.

18 Comments on ‘BLAME WHITEY MOVEMENT’ — Former ACLU Exec slams reparations ‘Buffoonery’

  1. More than 700,000 dead whites in the Civil War and the untold billions we’ve spent since LBJ’s 1965 bribery acts aren’t enough?

    And, have ANY of them noticed how blacks in Africa are living today, even in South Arica? Can’t mention Zimbabwe, of course…

  2. …I saw this post once, and will repeat it every time this subject comes up.

    …Not a single Republican ever owned a slave.

    Your issue is with the Democrats.

    See THEM for your “reparations”…

  3. Have always loved the concept that on Sunday mornings a race/culture pretends to prey to Jesus. Leaving the next 6 days of the week to BLAME WHITEY for all their misfortunes. The only one more profited than Al is his local Cadillac dealer.

  4. …of course, the whole concept of reparations is ludicrous on its face. I can’t think of anything more racist than taking property from someone because they happen to be a similar pigmentation as a person who was mean to a Black person a century and a half ago, and giving it to someone just because they are of a somewhat darker coloring closer to a person that someone was mean to 150 years ago, by force of law.

    …even in a warped concept of justice, there is no regard given for if either of these people were in ANY WAY related to persons who participated on either side of slavery when it existed.

    No credit is given for the White person who may have had an ancestor who died fighting AGAINST slavery, and no debt is incurred for the Black person who may have had an ancestor who happily sold a rival tribesman INTO slavery.

    No LIVING person participated in antebellum Southern slavery. One of America’s founding principles was that debts could NOT be passed on to the next generation, so even if an ancestor DID enslave someone, CURRENTLY living persons had NO control over that person, and cannot be held responsible for his actions.

    Also, there was slavery BEFORE antebellum Southern slavery, and there has been slavery AFTER…AND STILL IS. Muslims and Black Africans are particularly fond of it. Every race and every nation has enslaved another race and nation at one time or another. Do the Italians owe people of German ancestry something for what the Romans did in Julius Casear’s time? And the Iraqis are going to have to sell ALL their oil just to START paying Nebuchadnezzar’s reparations debt to Israel…

    …and this doesn’t even START to address people who are of mixed ancestry. Does “Obama’s” White half owe his Black half anything? Should Sally Hemming’s darker descendants sue her lighter descendants because, slavery? The whole thing is just ludicrous…

    …and these people are not only screwing up things on EARTH, but ALSO screwing themselves in HEAVEN. Reparations are based on a lack of forgiveness. People alive today, who may have even had nothing to DO with it, cannot forgive others of the sins of the distant past.

    And that lack of forgiveness will keep them out of Heaven. Not MY rule, GOD’s…

    Mark 11:25 – And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

    …give it UP, people. For your OWN soul, if no other reason…

  5. How about some reparations for all the Tax Slaves we currently have here in the US paying for BS the government dreams up, and gives away or wastes without any actual real representation. Working for others without pay ~ being taxed is the same thing as Slavery.

  6. We take it seriously, buddy, because the anti-white racial demagoguery spewed by cunts like Sharpton and virtually every single democrat office holder is making large swaths of the country completely unsafe for white people. There are millions of borderline retarded pavement apes running around looking for any excuse to sucker punch, rob, rape, or murder the most defenseless white person they see because they’ve been brain-washed their entire lives of a steady diet of hate-whitey bullshit and gimme-gimme free stuff entitlement. Fuck them and everyone responsible for this situation. They’ll be a reckoning and a purge one day, and it won’t be pretty. A functional society can only tolerate an entire class of useless pieces of shit for only so long before decent people have had enough.

  7. A long time ago, in a place not so far away, there was a lesson of true factorial history taught called Indentured Servitude. That occurred long before ‘black’ slavery happened.
    The lesson was about ‘white slavery’.
    Never mind, just forget about it,,,
    Long forgotten or never heard of,,,

  8. Only democrats owned slaves so let them cover the check.

    Slavery is/was a democrat concept. We Americans defeated them in the Civil War with our Union Army. The very same Army that still wears the Union Army dress blue uniform. The democrats were the enemy then and still are today. Let them pay for their sin and leave us alone.

  9. ALL democrats should jump on board with the reparation movement. It will guarantee their defeat. When all the rich white progressive politicians and pundits start giving their wealth to poor black people that’s when hell freezes over. Start calling out every dem you know on this.


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