Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election – IOTW Report

Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election

ET: Wisconsin voters appear to have delivered a stunning rejection to former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s latest political objective, in a state that’s not only sure to be a 2020 election battleground, but also pivotal in the upcoming decennial redistricting process.

Holder is the chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a tax-exempt, 527 political organization that primarily operates for the purpose of influencing elections. The group’s stated aim is to favorably position Democrats in select “red states” and presidential swing states for the next round of redistricting after the 2020 census.

A key race in that effort occurred Tuesday, when liberal-backed judge Lisa Neubauer faced conservative judge Brian Hagedorn for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Despite overwhelming outside support for Neubauer, the April 2 election has Hagedorn leading by nearly 6,000 votes.

Hagedorn, a former aide to Republican Gov. Scott Walker, claimed victory on Wednesday, saying “the people of Wisconsin have spoken, and our margin of victory is insurmountable.” The election, however, is likely headed to a recount, although such margins of victory are rarely overturned.

Holder was unusually active in what would seem an inconsequential race for President Obama’s former top law enforcement official. But he invested his time and reputation, as well as hundreds of thousands of donor dollars, in what looks to be another surprising Wisconsin defeat.

Famously in 2016, President Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by 1 percent in Wisconsin, smashing her much relied upon “blue wall” of Midwest support. It was the first time a Republican presidential candidate won the state since President Reagan in 1984.  read more

15 Comments on Eric Holder Loses Big in Wisconsin Battleground Election

  1. “…such margins of victory are rarely overturned.”

    …until recently, that is. Democrats DID learn from the 2016 elections, and now have an UNLIMITED supply of car trunks to “find” Democrat votes in…

  2. Eat shit democrats, you crooked, lying, race-baiting, Christian-bashing, anti-American, faggotry promoting cunts from hell. You are the worst fucking sub-human pieces of shit on Earth now, the worst.

  3. …and it doesn’t matter anyway. Democrats will either flip him like they did Roberts, or kill him like they did Scalia. These people are ruthless, and if they’re not afraid to kill SC judges, the guy in Wisconsin isn’t going to scare them any…

  4. All they need are enough judges willing to autocratically suspend election results while “misplaced” votes pour in, neutralizing conservative votes en masse. It will soon be impossible to win where it makes a real difference.

    If this continues to be tolerated.

  5. Party on! All you White Bitches!~ all week long gonna go on!
    It’s WHITE HISTORY Month!
    Time for Eric to kiss the baby.
    Pay backs are always a bitch, Eric, you ungrateful reverse racist POS.

  6. Does Wisconsin allow the ballot gathering after the fact fraud? Doesn’t it have to be specifically allowed? In any event I hope that the recount (inevitable) holds up and if it looks like the Dems suddenly are finding votes that the GOP (Federal as well as State) piles in with the best election lawyers money can buy to fight each and every ballot. That’s what the Dems would do.

  7. SCR: It doesn’t have to be specifically allowed, or allowed in any way. They’ll just cry about “counting every vote” and find some judge who allows it while they go to the airport to rent the cars to “find” the boxes of uncounted votes in.

  8. Newsflash, No Momma Obama. Holder’s “Obama son” namesake, killed rapper Nipsey “Hussle” not the stellar entertainers entertainer, Nipsey Russell.
    OGs (Original Gangsters) in the hood know about Nipsey Russell. Doubt most Millenials or Gen Z have a clue.

  9. Eric Holder is responsible for illegal international arms trafficking with his Fast and Furious program that got a border patrol agent killed (Brian Terry).

    Eric Holder is complicit in his murder and will burn in Hell.

    All part of their false flag operation to infringe on our 2A rights.

    Too bad we can’t execute him now for his treason under the former POS POTUS.


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