Beat Up By Exercise Bands (Wink Wink): Dirty Harry Loses Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Beat Up By Exercise Bands (Wink Wink): Dirty Harry Loses Lawsuit

Political Clown Parade: The dirty, rotten scoundrel who “served” in the United States Senate for 30 years had his lawsuit against the makers of an exercise band flatly rejected.

Four years ago, Harry Reid blamed blindness in one eye, fractured ribs, a concussion and bruises on an “accident” in his bathroom on New Year’s Day.

Following eight days of testimony, an eight-member civil trial jury deliberated for about an hour before proclaiming Reid never proved the device he used was a TheraBand® made by Ohio-based Hygienic Corporation.

Why would I intimate Reid’s incident with an effing rubber band wasn’t just an unfortunate encounter between a scrawny little worm and exercise equipment?

Dirty Harry served as Nevada gaming commissioner in the 1970s affording him the opportunity to rub elbows with organized crime members.  He entered public service in 1987, but Reid got rich while serving in the U.S. Senate.  His considerable fortune came, in large part, from sweetheart land deals he acquired through at least one person associated with the mob.

Not possible you say.  The mob’s been gone from Sin City for decades, right?  Nope.  Vegas still celebrates Mob Month every January.  There’s even a Mob Museum whose mission it is to “advance the public understanding of organized crime’s history and impact on American society.”

From a published report from Circa, we are told a massive FBI organized crime investigation back in the 80s developed information that Reid may have received money from a mob figure that was routed through a friend, and subsequently took action as Nevada’s top gaming regulator that allowed a mob-controlled casino to keep operating, according to internal Bureau memos and wiretap tapes that escaped public notice for most of Reid’s Senate career.

keep reading

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

19 Comments on Beat Up By Exercise Bands (Wink Wink): Dirty Harry Loses Lawsuit

  1. ‘notttttttthing else up there anymore?’
    Never was. nods,,,
    Meat and taters of the post is dead on.
    Reid’s been mobbed up his whole political career.

  2. I’ve been to the Mob Museum. Harry’s pictures are quite promonent. I believe the story of Harry’s injuries was that he got his ass kicked by his brother.

  3. Moral of the story: If you are a politician who takes money from a Las Vegas casino family and then fail to get the desired variances from the Nevada Gaming Commission, your exercise band might just turn out to be defective and beat the crap out of your face.

  4. DAN

    Before you were born thug Mario Savio and his “goons at The Gate” were sending America lovers to hospital ; with their “peaceful”. F U C K protests
    The America hating Press called violent attacks on America lovers “peaceful”
    The year was 64
    Mario’s wannabes tried to copy his violence across The Bay. “Slamin. Sam H”
    Said beating people for their beliefs is not accepted at SFAtate! Had police jail the “peaceful protesters”
    Sam , a Ronny Dem, would later be elected Sen. Sam

    Liberal violence is not new by many decades in Cal! What is a semi new is the liberal GOP

    Hey I’m so old my kids want their kids to be Bears , or Trees (is that what kid at The Farm are now?) l know Indians was/is bad! Cardinals?
    But you have to be old to know the left is using “The Big Lie”. when they say violence in Cal is recent! Or maybe the folk Mario beat actually “fell down the hill”! There were lots of hills in East Bay 60 years ago.

  5. Reid’s a pretty typical American Demonrat Politician.
    This isn’t cynical, it’s honest.

    The mobs of yesteryear (Italian, Sicilian, Irish, Jewish, &c.) did their own killing and maiming, whereas our present mob (singular) uses the Armed Forces, the Spook Services (CIA, NSA, FBI, &c.), and the local constabularies to do theirs.

    The Demonrats learned very well from their progenitors, the Soviet Socialists, the National Socialists, the Italian Socialists (Fascists), the Chi-Coms, the Caliphate, the Sultanates, and tyranny throughout History, and the uses of their henchmen the NKVD, the KGB, the Gestapo, the OVRA, the SAVAK, and others and have incorporated them into the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, the IRS and whatever other pernicious manifestations of organized crime there are on the gov’t teat.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. He had to sue to keep this myth alive. Bet you won’t hear about this from him ever again. I hope the Judge was fair enough to award costs to the defendant.
    I wonder whether a trip to the desert is in Harry’s future once he’s really forgotten.

  7. We Nevadans also heard his brother delivered a long-overdue ass kicking. What beat him in this lawsuit is the written testimony of his congressional exercise therapists (What the hell? Are we paying for this?) who said they “tried for months to get Reid to improve his stance, balance and technique when using the device in a rowing-style upper body fitness regimen.” It didn’t help that “jurors never saw the actual device because Reid’s adult son, attorney Leif Reid, disposed of it soon after Harry Reid was injured.” The company’s attorney also called into question Reid’s truthfulness. heh heh


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