Best Episode of Reliable Sources Ever – IOTW Report

Best Episode of Reliable Sources Ever

10 Comments on Best Episode of Reliable Sources Ever

  1. We love humanity
    We can laugh at each other without hating
    The Left is so consumed with hatred for Trump (and those of us who support him), that it’s stolen their sense of humor.
    That is why the Left can’t meme.

  2. So George Costanza is talking ABOUT the news, instead of reporting the news.

    Maybe that’s a clue why people don’t want anything to do with news commentary.

  3. Brain Stelter has got to be the gayest sounding and acting host on CNN! You can’t convenience me he’s just a soy boy.
    He’s not an “alpha”, hes the “alka”….
    Alka Selter

  4. “Reliable Sources”
    The Left’s best meme yet!
    Coo coo ca choo
    Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
    Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
    It’s a little secret, Lil Brian ain’t got a pair
    Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the kids


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