Kris Kobach to Trump: End Remittances to Mexico to Stop Illegal Immigration, Boost U.S. Economy – IOTW Report

Kris Kobach to Trump: End Remittances to Mexico to Stop Illegal Immigration, Boost U.S. Economy


Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says President Trump can stop mass illegal immigration and asylum fraud, as well as boost the American economy, by unilaterally ending all remittances to Mexico.

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, Kobach said Trump should replace his prolonged threat to Mexico — where he said he will wait a year before he puts pressure on the country — with an executive regulation that threatens to end all remittances by illegal aliens in the U.S. back to Mexico.

The threat to end remittances, Kobach detailed, can be used to force Mexico into an agreement with the U.S. that bans Central American nationals from passing through Mexico to get to the U.S. to claim asylum despite Mexico having a robust asylum system. The policy, Kobach said, would ensure that Central Americans claim asylum in the first eligible country they travel to.


Kobach said:

The threat I propose is one that actually helps us if we follow through on it. That is the threat of ending remittances from the majority of people in the United States from Mexico who are here illegally. That is a threat that we could carry through on that actually helps our economy because the money is not sent home, it stays in circulation in the U.S. economy and helps rev up our economy. It’s actually a good thing if we follow through. [Emphasis added]

Kobach said that though illegal aliens from Mexico in the U.S. may turn to using forms of cryptocurrency to send money back home, the ending of remittances would still likely stop the current trend of soaring illegal immigration while also significantly putting pressure on the Mexican economy.


19 Comments on Kris Kobach to Trump: End Remittances to Mexico to Stop Illegal Immigration, Boost U.S. Economy

  1. So far, illegal immigration has gotten worse while Trump has responded with far more rhetoric than actual action while it gains more importance among his base.

    He should make a definite effort to take action -real action that has visible results, not token actions that no one can see- or he might end up defeating himself in the next election. Many of his base voted for him strictly on the border issue, he needs to give the what they voted for.

    The Democrats candidates are a clown show now, but don’t count on things staying that way. They could come up with a winner emerging from it the same way the 2016 Republican clown show ended up with the very electable Trump coming out of it.

    Trump needs to do something very strong and visible about illegal immigration and do it soon.

  2. Threatening the flow of remittances should scare the crap out of corrupt Mexican, Guatemalan, El Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, etc. pols (that would be most of them). Listening to a report on NPR¹ a few days ago about DJT’s cutting off foreign aid to those countries, I learned that such aid is less than 5% compared to remittances from the U.S.

    1. I don’t do lefty news web sites from home but I do listen to NPR in the car to get an idea of what “the other side” is pushing.

  3. Lazlo, your idea is way better.

    Trump does not want to harm LEGAL immigrants, i.e. Americans, especially coming up to 2020 election, with now 50% Hispanic approval rating.

    Meanwhile, unless there was a demonstration of a border completely out of control, do you think that any really tough action by Trump would be accepted by half the population (or more)? Trump knows what he’s doing. He’s already pressuring Mexico this past week via “extreme compliance” at border checkpoints.

    Everyone gives Trump advice…

  4. Tax the remittances and use the money to build the Make America Great Again Wall. The Wall of America. This way Mexico and Central America will pay for a great portion of the wall, and President Trump will be able to keep one of his favorite campaign promises.

  5. In that radio interview Kobach belies the notion postulated here that Trump needs Congress to do anything meaningful.

    Kobach seems like a smart guy and tailor made for the new immigration czar if created but it seems to me that there are easy work arounds for his “end remittance” strategy. Here in California illegals can get state ID’es, drivers licenses, can even open up checking accounts. What’s to stop illegals from just popping a check in the mail to the family back in Mexico and bypassing Western Union altogether?

    Interestingly the guy that Trump picked to replace Neilson has publicly advocated against Trump cutting off funding for Central American countries. He wants more aid flowing to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, further stabilizing those nations so refuges would not flee, totally counter to what Trump has in mind. Let’s see how long this union lasts.

  6. I’ve said that for years……tax the remittances at the source as a sales tax and apply it to border protection, including the wall. 80% may be a bit high, but 79% seems just right.

  7. I’m not Ann Coulter batshit crazy, but Trump needs to start listening to someone, anyone offering better advice. It has gotten worse. His choices of who to put in positions is horrible, most knew Kirstjen Nielsen was a bad choice and this McAleenan guy is an even worse choice. For starters you don’t put any Obama holdovers in a position of power, second this guy has advocated against Trump cutting funding to these countries and third he was the architect of Obama’s catch and release.

  8. Stop the remittances (now via wire transfer) and the illegals will just make periodic trips across the border with suitcases full of cash. It’s not like the border will slow anybody down.

  9. @Tony R–if they have to go back to Mexico from NY or from wherever, they are going back. There is no magic bullet to solve the problem, but them returning is not a bad thing, and when they go back, we get their fingerprints into the system to prove that they were here for employment since they were voluntarily repatriating.


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