75% of Spanish Cannabis Contains Human Feces – IOTW Report

75% of Spanish Cannabis Contains Human Feces

BE: A new study by a Spanish pharmacologist has revealed traces of human faeces in the vast majority of the cannabis sold on the streets of Madrid, Spain, and that it presents a very real health danger.

Manuel Pérez Moreno released his findings in the journal Science Direct and claimed to have found Escherichia coli bacteria, commonly known as E. Coli, in the vast majority of the 90 samples he had purchased off the street and tested, broadcaster RTL reports.

According to Moreno, the presence of E. Coli can be explained as being related to the faecal matter contained within the cannabis.

How the human excrement got into the drugs was explained by Moreno. He said that it had to do with the way the drugs were being smuggled into Spain, saying that many drug mules put the cannabis in plastic bags which they swallow and then defecate the drugs out when they arrive in Spain.  more

11 Comments on 75% of Spanish Cannabis Contains Human Feces

  1. I’m not accepting their explanation. I believe that they are swallowing hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, due to the relatively compact package and the value of a smaller size package compared to the equivalent value of Cannabis of the same size package. It would take an army of drug mules swallowing bales of marijuana in order to get that much across borders.

  2. This is just bullshit to help the cause of marijuana legalization in Spain as a “public health issue”. There are lots of remote areas in Spain, (just like Humbolt county California) where they grow pot; no need to import it.

  3. If you want the truth about marijuana look up the studies done in the UK. You’ll understand why the Brits aren’t gobbling this up like the moron Americans.

  4. Manuel Pérez Moreno has discovered what?

    The majority of pot in Spain is handled by people that do not wash their hands going number two.

    And banks don’t periodically or ever decontaminate their currency counting machines that spread the filth to the previous clean paper euro.


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