Comments By Canadian Mayor Show Climate Suits May Be Losing Steam – IOTW Report

Comments By Canadian Mayor Show Climate Suits May Be Losing Steam


The mayor of Victoria, British Columbia told a local radio show she’s no longer convinced that launching lawsuits against energy producers like Exxon, Shell, and BP is the best use of the city’s resources towards the goal of fighting climate change, suggesting localities may be reconsidering such efforts.

The Victoria City Council, representing a city just a three hour ferry ride northwest from Seattle, originally passed a motion in January in support of filing a class-action lawsuit against the world’s major oil producers to seek damages the city believes it has suffered due to climate change.

“Since we passed the original motion, I have had some second thoughts,” Mayor Lisa Helps toldCBC’s Daybreak North. “I think there might be more prudent and more timely approaches.”

“Time is running out and fighting lawsuits is probably not the best way to spend our time, when we’ve got a planet to save,” she added later.

Her comments suggest the appetite for such efforts, which kicked off in 2017 when local governments on the coasts filed nuisance suits against top energy producers, is waning.

“It was easy enough to say yes to the climate litigation proposal when it first appeared on the agenda,” said Stewart Muir, executive director of the Resource Works Society, which believes the lawsuits could create significant economic damage. “This has been the case in a lot of communities where the seemingly innocuous proposal has been passed without anyone giving it much thought. It looks like this is what happened in Victoria.”

“When both the local chamber of commerce and the hotels association protested Council’s decision to buy into the climate litigation campaign, it appears the mayor might have started looking more closely at the issue,” he continued.

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6 Comments on Comments By Canadian Mayor Show Climate Suits May Be Losing Steam

  1. Did that “three hour ferry ride” happen on unicorn farts and fairy dust? Well thats what you all are gonna have left when you sue these oil companies out of existence.


  2. The reason the Left believes in climate change is it is a vehicle to power.
    The United States leads the world in climate friendly industry.
    But that is not exciting.
    Nowhere near as exciting as deciding how many calories you should get each day


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