Are the Democrats’ relentless smears tearing this county apart? – IOTW Report

Are the Democrats’ relentless smears tearing this county apart?

Patriot Retort:

With the exit of Kirstjen Nielson, White House advisor Stephen Miller has taken a central role in reshaping DHS to better reflect President Trump’s immigration agenda.

And as a result, the Democrat smear-campaign against Miller has kicked up to Spinal Tap 11.


Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage. 

12 Comments on Are the Democrats’ relentless smears tearing this county apart?

  1. Answer: fascist power, and the chance of a position with the head fascists.

    Are young are corrupt, lazy and ridiculous,conformists. They’d sell out the nation for a few free cups of coffee and a new iphone.

  2. For an accurate if unintentional depiction of the modern Left, look up the old Star Trek episode MIRI. Kirk tries to reason with them that they’re all going to die, so they hit him on the head with a wrench with a smile on their faces.

  3. Candace Owens is going places. Look for her as a counterweight to AOC in the near future.

    I watched this hrg yesterday. She brought along her elderly grandfather and her opening statement was an uncomfortable shock to the majority democrats on the committee. She pulled no punches, calling on black Americans to leave the democrat party and got a plug in for #Blexit.

    The dems took every opportunity to misquote, besmirch and in the condescending vile manner in which they perfected, essentially called her a house n*gger. She didn’t back down, to the contrary she not only called each one out specific to their jabs, but looked them in the eye while doing so.

    Only strong black conservative women such as CO and Diamond/Silk can go toe to toe with the black race baiters in Congress.

    Opening state. Worth 6 min watch:


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