IG office investigating Stefan Halper, one of Mueller’s thugs – IOTW Report

IG office investigating Stefan Halper, one of Mueller’s thugs


Heads Up! – New York Times Advanced Narrative Move: IG Office Investigating Stefan Halper.

Something is coming… something delicious.  How can we tell?  Well, whenever a bombshell is about to drop on the corrupt Intelligence Community, the New York Times does a quick narrative dump to get out ahead of the story.

All the way down, buried deep, in a NYT story about Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s FISA investigation and AG Barr’s review of DOJ and FBI activity… they drop the following two paragraphs (emphasis mine):

[…] The inspector general is also scrutinizing another early source of information for the Russia investigation, the people said: Mr. Horowitz’s investigators have been asking questions about the role of Stefan A. Halper, another F.B.I. informant, and his prior work for the bureau.

Agents involved in the Russia investigation asked Mr. Halper, an American academic who teaches in Britain, to gather information on Mr. Page and George Papadopoulos, another former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser. (read more)

Oh?  NYT now saying FBI agents asked help from intelligence asset Stefan Halper to go gather information on Carter Page and George Papadopoulos?

Six months ago the New York Times was calling people ‘conspiracy theorists’ for pointing out how the CIA and FBI were using overseas intelligence officials to run up against the Trump campaign.  more here

7 Comments on IG office investigating Stefan Halper, one of Mueller’s thugs

  1. That must mean Halper has come out of hiding, like Joseph Mifsud has supposedly done. After disappearing from the face of the earth in late 2017, both of these guys saunter back on the scene like nothing happened? No journo curiosity for almost two years? It’ll be interesting to see how they explain this weirdness away.

    And all of the above assumes those two Waldos are not still missing. Papadopoulos says Mifsud has been located working for Italian Intelligence service and will be summoned here soon. I’ll believe it when I see it. And for all I know, Halper is still gone to ground. No word of an actual recent sighting yet. But it is telling that the only two guys to go missing in the wake of the failed coup have suddenly become the most relevant names in the counter-investigation of the Deep State plot.

    Sorry to keep hammering this, but the coup plotters don’t want anyone to notice, and I’m going to hang on like a pit bull until all is revealed.

  2. It would be more accurate to call Halper one of Brennan’s thugs. Halper’s contacts with Page and Papadopoulos were a very long time before Mueller was turned loose, they were even before the “official” FBI investigation was started. The conclusion is that Halper was activated after Brennan began his illegal behind-the-scenes machinations.


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