Judicial Watch Uncovers ‘Cover-Up’ Discussions in Latest Production of Clinton Email Documents – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Uncovers ‘Cover-Up’ Discussions in Latest Production of Clinton Email Documents


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover-up” discussions related to the Clinton email system within Platte River Networks, one of the vendors who managed the Clinton email system. The documents also show Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Charles McCullough forwarding “concerns” about classified information in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.

The new documents uncovered by Judicial Watch also contain Clinton’s 2009 classified information Non-Disclosure Agreement bearing her signature.

An October 2016 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-02046)) forced the release of the new FBI documents.  Judicial Watch lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request seeking:

  • All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure.
  • All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.  read more

15 Comments on Judicial Watch Uncovers ‘Cover-Up’ Discussions in Latest Production of Clinton Email Documents

  1. The day of the Greatest Reckoning in the history of the Clintons since Monica Lewinsky was cornered by the FBI and US Attorneys working with Ken Starr at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Pentagon City, Virginia on January 16, 1998 is fast approaching. A date that will live forever in the sordid history of the Clintons. Sooner or later, President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to be summoned to appear before a Grand Jury to explain all those missing emails and lots of other unexplainable things. Uranium One, the Clinton Enrichment Foundation, the payments for the Steele Dossier, Illegal campaign contributions and many other corrupt things that would have never been investigated if there was no Electoral College or Donald J. Trump. Break out the Chardonnay!

  2. I make a monthly donation to Judicial Watch because our own government won’t look into crimes against America and enforce laws that the rest of us peasant workers must obey. Our tax dollars thrown away yet again on law enforcement from the selective DOJ and FBI…

  3. @Marco April 10, 2019 at 11:15 am

    > President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to be summoned to appear before a Grand Jury to explain

    At which point she will proclaim, again, “What difference at this point does it make?” She will be thanked for her service. Paid her honorarium for appearing. And loyal American patriots will toss her in a van.

    But you’ll finally get what you’ve insisted would make the unicorns fart rainbows. So there’s that.

  4. Anon: I think there is plenty of evidence that Clinton escaped from the clutches of the FBI and the Justice Department for her mishandling of Classified Material because these Federal agencies had been corrupted at the highest levels of the Obama Administration. The Mueller Investigtion delayed Clinton’s appearance before a Grand Jury for two years. There’s a new Sheriff in Washington DC now. Attorney General William Barr is not Reggie Hammond or Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. So there’s that.

  5. @Marco April 10, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    > There’s a new Sheriff in Washington DC now.

    No. There’s not. Meet the new boss. Hired by the old boss. To do the job the old boss was hired for.

    (Dude! If you’re going to concern troll, at least pretend to be sincere.)

  6. Anon: If you can’t discern the difference between Jeff Sessions and William Barr after the way Barr handled those questions from the weasels on the Committees yesterday and today, then there’s nothing that will convince you that there is a new Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department. This new boss confirmed that “spying did occur on the Trump Campaign” this morning. So there’s that to consider.

  7. @Marco April 10, 2019 at 1:39 pm

    > If you can’t discern the difference between Jeff Sessions and William Barr

    Concern trolling to ad hominem “attack”. Sad.

    I do “discern the difference”. It is the difference between the prediction for my Aquarius with Pisces rising next Tuesday, versus Pisces in Tartar this Friday. Do I cross your palm with silver now? For the vision thing.

  8. Marco, Missster (Ms.?) Anonymous seems quite cynical about the ‘New Boss.” I hope he’s (she’s?) wrong. Wait, maybe he (she?) is talking about Corkscrew Cortez: she’s THE boss now! (I’m tired of writing he (she?)).

  9. They literally called it Operation Coverup.

    For the media, ever so concerned about gun control, -THIS- is what a smoking gun looks like.

    We need to coverup this crime we’re committing. Come down to my office to talk about how we are going to get away with our conspiracy to violate government records law and execute a successful conspiracy to obstruct justice.

    Do they have to draw it in crayon and post it on your refrigerator? Wrap it around a baseball bat and beat you to death with it?


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