2nd Hassan staffer allegedly helped aide steal senate data – IOTW Report

2nd Hassan staffer allegedly helped aide steal senate data


A second former aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan is implicated in former IT staffer Jackson Cosko’s massive data-theft scheme that was ultimately used to “intimidate” Republican senators by “doxxing” them during a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, prosecutors said.

Samantha G. DeForest-Davis, at the time a staff assistant to Hassan, was the aide who allegedly helped Cosko conduct his scheme, a source with knowledge of the situation told The Daily Caller News Foundation. Court records show a case naming her has been opened, and the source confirmed it relates to her alleged role in the data theft.

She filed an affidavit that can be used to assess her eligibility for a public defender, but she has not been charged with any crimes, court records show.

Cosko pleaded guilty April 5 to masterminding what prosecutors said was “an extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme, copying entire network drives, sorting and organizing sensitive data, and exploring ways to use that data to his benefit.” He admitted to stealing tens of thousands of documents and emails from Hassan’s office, in addition to credit card information and Social Security numbers belonging to Senate employees.

The data also included a master list of senators’ private information that Cosko posted to Wikipedia out of “anger” at Republicans during the Supreme Court nomination hearings, prosecutors said.  more here

7 Comments on 2nd Hassan staffer allegedly helped aide steal senate data

  1. “Cosko pleaded guilty to five felonies including witness intimidation and obstruction of justice. The maximum sentence was 55 years in prison, but guidelines call for three to four years. He agreed not to seek a term shorter than two years as part of the plea agreement. He could also face a fine of up to $200,000 and possible restitution to Hassan’s office.”

    So much for a lengthy prison term. Any bets he won’t pay anything resembling a “massive fine”?

  2. “Cosko pleaded guilty April 5 to masterminding what prosecutors said was “an extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme, copying entire network drives, sorting and organizing sensitive data, and exploring ways to use that data to his benefit.”

    he copied ‘entire network drives.’ Look at his handwritten notes, introduced as evidence in his ‘trial.’ He made back up copies of the network servers, downloaded that, then destroyed evidence of his having done that. He copied _everything_. Gee, who is hassan? Doesn’t she sit on the senate Homeland Security Committee? No problem, just copy the network drive. It’s gotta be OK- the awan brothers got away with it in the House of Representatives. Everybody does it. Our government has been totally compromised for security, and nothing has been done about it. Large parts of the trial itself were held behind closed, or ‘sealed’ doors, as the testimony itself was too sensitive and critical to our national security. And he will skate. Because of who he is- who his parents are and who they know. And his accomplice, who gave him the key and wiped his fingerprints, will get less than a talking to. hassan is extremely well connected with the swamp- her husband was head of exeter academy, where kerry and a bunch of other elitist ruling class have been sent for indoctrination. It helps to have friends in powerful places, we learn.
    It is disgusting- the state that law enforcement has sunken to in our country. Nothing has happened to feinstein and she introduced the hacker into the halls of congress and also had a chinese spy as her office manager.
    another day in the disgusting, retched swamp

  3. “Samantha G. DeForest-Davis”

    Four names. Two “family”. En-titled by an unscientific “science”. With some “studies” glitter. On the gubbamint dole.

    Not doing good “for the people”? I’m shocked! Shocked, I say.

  4. hope there can be civil suits brought by anyone doxed

    also want more info on
    “an extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme, copying entire network drives, sorting and organizing sensitive data, and exploring ways to use that data to his benefit.” He admitted to stealing tens of thousands of documents and emails from Hassan’s office, in addition to credit card information and Social Security numbers belonging to Senate employees.

    2 yrs seems a bit light…


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