Former Obama Aide Expects To Be Indicted In Case Related To Mueller Probe – IOTW Report

Former Obama Aide Expects To Be Indicted In Case Related To Mueller Probe

DC: Gregory B. Craig, who served in the Obama administration as a White House counsel, is said to be expecting charges pursuant to the Mueller investigation.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that Craig’s attorneys were expecting him to be indicted “in the coming days” and that the charges would be related to information uncovered by special counsel Robert Mueller and his team during the course of their investigation.

Lawyers for Gregory B. Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, expect him to be indicted in the coming days on charges related to his work for the Russia-aligned government of Ukraine.

The Washington Post linked Craig to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, saying that “the expected indictment — which his attorneys called ‘a misguided abuse of prosecutorial discretion’ — stems from work Craig did with GOP lobbyist Paul Manafort on behalf of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice in 2012.”

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11 Comments on Former Obama Aide Expects To Be Indicted In Case Related To Mueller Probe

  1. so there goes what little is left of the Kenyan’s legacy….it is ABOUT DAMN TIME to lock up the folks we all knew were criminals in the first place and this stupid sideshow pushed by the media to lie about Trump is finally over….oh man it looks like the chickens are coming home to roost now……

  2. Wonder why the Mueller team didn’t already indict him?

    In any event, I’m thinking the Democrats are not going to like this coming from the Mueller probe, along with whatever else implicating their people emerges from the full report they are demanding be made available.

  3. The Muller probe players are very important to restoring actual justice in Washington. But the Washington criminal players that we have not heard about are much more wide spread and embedded in the “system”. A flush or ten of a few will not do the clean up job that’s required.

  4. This is a little fish. He wasn’t working for the WH at the time he committed the transgressions and the Dems and Obama can point to that. What the feds need to do is to connect his activities to people that were still employed by the WH or the DNC in a political role. If he has the connection promise him whatever needed to start working the way up the food chain.


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