A stay-at-home mom is leading the movement in her hometown to turn it into a sanctuary city—for gun owners – IOTW Report

A stay-at-home mom is leading the movement in her hometown to turn it into a sanctuary city—for gun owners

DC: Rodona Grossman-Devereaux is a stay-at-home mom in Kennewick, Washington, and she is one of many in the state who are against Washington Initiative 1639 (I-1639), which was approved November 2018.

I-1639, which went into effect January, raises the age limit to semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, imposed a 10-day waiting period to purchase the firearms and also requires gun owners to lock up firearms or face criminal charges, among other things.

“If there are sanctuaries for illegals, why not gun owners?” Devereaux asked. “There are so many violations. It’s not just the Second Amendment that’s violated—it’s the Fourth Amendment, it’s the Fourteenth Amendment, it’s ridiculous.”  Her story here


h/t Anonymous.

10 Comments on A stay-at-home mom is leading the movement in her hometown to turn it into a sanctuary city—for gun owners

  1. Those commie maggots are going to keep pushing until they start the civil war they want so bad. I just hope it gets started before all my ammo goes bad from old age!

  2. In the Soviet State of Washington, of all places.

    (Retirement location candidate: Kennewick, WA. Hmmm. Been there. Very close to Hanford’s reactor clean-up mess. But on the east side of the state, so there’s that going for it…)

  3. Kennewick, WA

    An hour’s drive from quality elk habitat
    Mule deer and whitetail all around.
    Largemouth, Smallmouth and Walleye
    Pendleton Roundup and Eburg Rodeo just a hop, skip and a jump.
    Short drive to Omak for Stampede Week
    All Nations Indian Relay Championship in Walla Walla 45 minutes away
    Short drive to Webb Slough in St John https://www.webbsslough.com/theSlough.html
    Lind Washington Combine Demo Derby right up the road https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKvw3MJtTe8

    Not bad

  4. JDHasty – nice list of attractions. Just remembered it’s also close to “The Petrified Forest.” As a kid, my parents took us amber, garnet and Ellensburg Blue (agate) hunting on the east side. So, for closet rock/fossil lovers, there’s all that (and more) over there, too.

  5. You are not too far from Glass Bitte and/or the Big Obsidian Flow in Oregon and a short drive from the largest publicly accessible telescope in North America in Goldendale WA either.

  6. My Sheriff Ozzie Knesovich in Spokane County will not enforce this unconstitutional law despite protestations from our idiot state Atty. Genl. Bob Ferguson. I have never been to the jet boat races at Webb Slough in St. John although my brother goes every year, maybe I should tag along with him because from what he tells me that they’re always good races in the middle of a wheat field on the Palouse just outside the tiny town of St. John. There’s also a good reason they built the nuclear reactors at Hanford because Hanford is about BFE as BFE can get, there isn’t a damned thing out there and it’s as desolate as the Mojave desert.

  7. And the Richland HS Bombers used to have mushroom clouds from A bombs on their sports uniforms till political correctness probably killed it. And there is a Bombing Range Rd. in Richland, I used to deliver flowers to the Yokes grocery store out there.

  8. My favorite mascot is still from the Orofino Maniacs in Orofino, Id. The HS is located next door to the state mental institution and their logo is a stick figure spaz having an epileptic seizure. And no one in that small lumber town has a problem with it. The Davenport Gorillas in Davenport, Wa. with a great big gorilla as their mascot are a close second.

  9. @Geoff the aardvark,

    I just looked up the Maniacs (lol!) and found an article about them and how someone from the mental hospital sniveled about it decades ago and they put a vote to the students and not one voted to change the mascot name. Hahahahaha!!!


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