Michigan: 4 charged in $70M health care fraud scheme – IOTW Report

Michigan: 4 charged in $70M health care fraud scheme

Looting the kuffar, it’s a family affair. 

Creeping Sharia:

LIVONIA, Mich. – Two men have been charged in connection with a Livonia pharmacy scheme in which $48 million worth of health care claims were made for patients after their dates of death, according to court records.

Hossam Tanana, 53, of Dearborn, and Mahmoud Makki 36, of Dearborn, are accused of conspiracy to launder monetary instruments after an investigation into LifeCare Pharmacy in Livonia, officials said.

According to court documents, Wansa Nabih Makki, 41, of Dearborn, who is Mahmoud Makki’s sister and Tanana’s wife, maintained national provider identifiers for pharmacies she owned and managed in order to submit claims to Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Wansa Makki and Mohamad Ali Makki, 43, of Dearborn Heights, are accused of making claims for expensive medications that weren’t purchased or given to patients.

There were 371 claims submitted to Medicare and Medicaid between January 2010 and January 2016 for patients after their dates of death, according to authorities. LifeCare Pharmacy was reimbursed for all of the claims, officials said. more

7 Comments on Michigan: 4 charged in $70M health care fraud scheme

  1. Welcome to Dearbornistan

    Once they are in charge, their people get everything, and you get nothing. Then you have to move away and let them dominate that community.

  2. I start medicare in Sept.With the fraud and
    the illegals sucking it up there will probably
    be little left me.I like many others paid in for
    45 stinkin’ years…

  3. Only 2 people?? Sounds a little greedy, I would have left town after the first 2 million. Boy, BIG Government sure knows how to protect our tax dollars – NOT. Tip of iceberg comes to mind.

  4. These “scams” would not be possible were it not for the inefficient leviathan. Had these shysters not been quite so greedy, they may have skated. The government’s mismanagement is the primary reason that this happens. I know that the local government is desperate to give away my tax dollars to people of color in Escalades and Lexus, so I would think that it would be very easy to take advantage. Part of the answer is to get the central government out of health care as well as welfare, let them be mismanaged on the local level. Theoretically it would be easier to assign accountability. We also MUST cease ANY benefits to alien invaders.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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