Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick – IOTW Report

Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick

LWC: Dear anti-Semitic crybaby who might have married her brother,

Men and women in politics are scrutinized for their words, their deeds, their records and whether or not they married a sibling — regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, and marital sibling status. But you seem to think people merely quoting your words is somehow “inciting violence” if not blatant Islamophobia. So allow me to set you straight on this one, sister. Republicans and/or conservatives don’t target you because you’re a Muslim. We target you because you’re a vile, nasty, anti-semitic, pro-terrorist, thin-skinned little brat. Who probably wed her brother.

First, the brother thing, because that’s just icky. It seems, based on the evidence at hand, you totally married your brother. Not — hopefully — for the intimacy but to commit immigration fraud. Allegedly. Sure, sure, you denied you married your own brother (as one would) but failed to provide any evidence showing the man you wed wasn’t, in fact, your brother. Despite everyone else providing evidence your husband was also your brother. Now if it were me, I’d provide as much evidence as possible to forever silence the rumor I’d married my brother.

Let’s move on to more recent scandals involving you, your grace. You seem to think people quoting you is an incitement of violence. Not to be confused with acts of actual violence, like terrorism, which you seem to support (more on that later). No, no, you get hot and bothered when your political opposition simply gets hot and bothered over your own words.  more here


h/t Aunt Mommy.

20 Comments on Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick

  1. It knows what it is. We know what it is.

    The important thing is that it doesn’t get access to sensitive information, by being a member of Congress, that it can pass on to the enemies in the Middle East who employ it.

    If anyone needs to be “legally surveilled”, it’s this one.

  2. This is what’s wrong with
    Satanic hate cults like Islam.

    Their adherents don’t just become
    Satanic hate filled zealots.

    They become incapable of rational thought.

  3. I think, as Winston Churchill pointed out, they are savages regardless of their religion. If they suddenly all became papists they would STILL be barbarians.

  4. I know what she’s about.
    She knows what she’s about.
    She follows a ‘religion’ that encourages lying and duplicity to achieve control
    She knows what she’s about.
    She is relying on white guilt to deflect real scrutiny
    We have taken a serpent into our bosom

  5. Q: Did you dance in the streets with your seventh century savages when the towers fell? I suspect so.

    Another Q: Do the capitol police spend more on your protection than the other 434 members of Congress? That should end right now.

  6. Jethro,

    It obviously won’t let me keep liking your post:

    “Let me fix the title for you:
    It’s Not ONLY Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful MUSLIM Sh*t Stick.”

    So, let the periods act as my proxy:

    etc. infinity. (Fingers got tired.)

  7. She’s ugly, her feet stink and she doesn’t love Jesus. I really hope one day soon that I’m watching live teevee and get to witness that diaper headbag getting an ops check.

  8. “Dear Ilhan Omar: It’s Not Because You’re Muslim. It’s Because You’re a Hateful Sh*t Stick”

    …but aren’t Muslims hateful shit sticks by definition?

    …as Mohammad commands…

  9. Democrats run this state for the most part, former governor Mark “fetal position, thumb sucking” Dayton let them all in. MN cd 3 was Keith Ellison’s district and now another anti american has taken his place, Minneapolis is hopeless, it has the same suicidal spirit that most Scandinavian people have, they just allow the barbarian to over run them.

  10. “Let’s move on to more recent scandals involving you, your grace. You seem to think people quoting you is an incitement of violence. Not to be confused with acts of actual violence, like terrorism, which you seem to support (more on that later). No, no, you get hot and bothered when your political opposition simply gets hot and bothered over your own words.”
    Did the subject just change to Pelosi ,Kamala Harris, Fauxcahontas, Gillbrand, Feinstein…


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