Rod Rosenstein Defends Barr’s Handling of Special Counsel Report – IOTW Report

Rod Rosenstein Defends Barr’s Handling of Special Counsel Report

Epoch Times >Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in an interview on April 11 defended the Justice Department’s handling of the final report by special counsel Robert Mueller.

“He’s being as forthcoming as he can, and so this notion that he’s trying to mislead people, I think is just completely bizarre,” Rosenstein told The Wall Street Journal.

Rosenstein’s approval is significant because he appointed Mueller to the special counsel post, drafted the scope letters for the investigation, and oversaw the special counsel’s office for 18 of the 22 months it took to complete the probe.

The deputy attorney general’s approval came on the heels of two House of Representatives committee hearings during which Democrats criticized Attorney General William Barr for taking too long to release the report. Democrats also alleged that Barr was too quick to release a summary of Mueller’s findings.

Barr told lawmakers on April 10 that he expects to release the special counsel’s final report within a week. The Justice Department is working directly with Mueller to identify information to redact, including grand jury testimony, areas which impact ongoing investigations, the identities of intelligence sources, as well as damaging information on people who were not charged with a crime.

“It would be one thing if you put out a letter and said, ‘I’m not going to give you the report,’ ” Rosenstein said. “What he said is, ‘Look, it’s going to take a while to process the report. In the meantime, people really want to know what’s in it. I’m going to give you the top-line conclusions.’ That’s all he was trying to do.”

Mueller’s team investigated allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to interfere in the 2016 election. The special counsel found no evidence of collusion. Mueller did not reach a conclusion on the obstruction of justice charges. Barr and Rosenstein decided there wasn’t sufficient evidence to bring a case.  read more

5 Comments on Rod Rosenstein Defends Barr’s Handling of Special Counsel Report

  1. I think Rod was coerced to stay, just to stave off democrats screaming that all Trump people were in charge of control of the report.

    I wouldn’t be surprised at a plea deal having been struck against future investigations of Rod.

  2. Someone is going to be the John Dean of this unending, seditious saga. People are looking at some serious time in a Federal Penitentiary. The lawyers are facing disbarment. Civil lawsuits are going to financially break some of these people. There are dozens of players and prevaricators strewn across this legal landscape. At some point, one of them is going cut a deal to save themselves. Rod Rosenstein’s biggest problem is that he signed one of those FISA warrants to continue spying on Carter Page and everybody he was in contact with in the Trump election campaign. Spygate or Surveillancegate? Take your pick.


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