“Bill, this is boring!” – IOTW Report

“Bill, this is boring!”

DC: The opening of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s national speaking tour reportedly included a front-row heckler who labeled the proceedings as “boring” before being hauled off by security.

The New York Post’s Maureen Callahan, who paid $210 to attend the 90-minute talk, wrote about her experience watching “longtime Clinton lackey Paul Begala” launch “softballs” at the Clintons in what, in her opinion, turned out to be a “snoozefest.”

At least until “the most exciting moment of the night,” when “a man in the front row stood up and interrupted.”

“Bill, this is boring!” he yelled.  MORE

11 Comments on “Bill, this is boring!”

  1. $210.00 for a 90 minute BS session??
    I thought they used to get thousands for one of their boring routines, guess they’re not as ‘in demand’ as they used to be when they were taking bribe money.

  2. If it wasn’t for the heckler, we wouldnt even know theae two turds (and hollywood idiot ben stiller who is touring with them) would be out and about still trying to poison the country.

  3. Instead of calling show boring, he could’ve enlivend it and asked Hillary what was her favorite method of bumping off enemies.

    Perhaps the Clinton’s used Murder, Inc. to do the dirty work. When asked about it, if ever, they would probably reply: “I had nuttin’ to do with that. I wuz nowhere near that punk when he got rubbed out.”


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