Florida: 2 dozen graves found at infamous Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys – IOTW Report

Florida: 2 dozen graves found at infamous Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys

DC: More than two dozen possible graves were discovered during a cleanup at a defunct Florida school, infamous for abusing children.

A subcontractor found the 27 “‘anomalies’ consistent with possible graves” at the former Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in March, a letter from Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Wednesday.

Jerry Cooper, who attended the school in the 1960s, was not surprised by the findings, The New York Times reported. The 74-year-old once received more than 100 lashes.

“It’s a lot worse than the people know,” Cooper said, according to The NYT.

The recent findings add to the more than 50 graves previously discovered by anthropologists, who also uncovered more than 50 remains of the dead, The NYT reported.

The school was opened in 1900, according to Time.

But it was shut down in 2011 following an investigation by the Department of Justice, which found “harmful practices” at the facility.  more here

18 Comments on Florida: 2 dozen graves found at infamous Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys

  1. Florida’s past is in many cases a greedy, and gruesome affair. Mas Ayoob chronicled the abuse of workers (in the context of a resulting gunfight), with the term, “a Watson Payday”. It was the practice of disposing of workers instead of paying them.
    Maybe that’s why Florida is now America’s pre-eminent retirement State.

  2. Reminds me of the fun short stay at a Servite Seminary in Illinois (also in the early sixties). Ah the stories…

    But as it is Lent right now, it did give me the perfect fast for Lent. I’ve kept that fast for almost the last sixty years.

    Wait for it…


    I guess I’m no longer lurking…

  3. I can tell you WTF is happening within each if the institutions that are experiencing these type of scandal. And it pisses me off because I recognized it at an age that was so damn young.

    Fucking politicians. Fucking politicians are elevated above men of character to shepherd these institutions.

    Goddamnit Stevie Wonder could see how this would play out. It is a function of everything we were taught as kids being given short shrift.

    The Goddamn criteria were bastardidized to prefer personality over the quiet man who was not a fucking self promoter who, of fucking course, is surrounded by like minded rat fucking bastard diabolical narcissistic predators.

    That right there is your root cause and anyone who says otherwise is as full of shit as a Christmas goose.

    Just wait. What you see when the novus ordo “nun” covens are exposed to the light of truth will make all this look like nothing.

  4. That was JDHasty above and I’ll be damned if I will allow it to affect my faith in God or The Church. My mother, 95 years old, is in crisis over this and she was a daily mass attendee until too infirm to go to mass.

    She damn near drove the car up into a tree when as a teen I said Hunthausen was a crackpot and more likely than not a heretic. She thought I had damned the entire family to perdition. But I stood my ground and let her know that blind faith does not a good Bishop make or a good Catholic.

    God did not give separate man from the beasts by giving him logic as a joke.

    This shit pisses me off to no end because it was avoidable.

    For the love of God man it has been spelled out since Jesus` time how The Church, apply that to all institutes that are good, will be attacked. Can you be that fucking naive?

  5. JD,

    I’m obviously too obtuse to get this…

    For the love of God man it has been spelled out since Jesus` time how The Church, apply that to all that ig good, will be attacked. Can you be that fucking naive?

    Who is being naive and about what?

    If you might expand for the weak minded as I myself am.

  6. I would never presume to have what it takes to expand on God’s word. Read your bible.

    God tells you how His Church will be attacked. And that applies to all who do their best to follow the word ofGod of Abraham in where they belong on Sunday not just Roman Catholics.

  7. The reason what I posted above is because God is present in all that is good and the enemy of all that is good understand that. It is high time those who worship good over evil understand where tolerance ends and nativity begins and call this shit out.

    Make no mistake, the attack on organized Christian religion is concurrent and from the same players and they recognize what it is, it is high time the American public recognize that dynamic as well.

  8. America all but defines what is good in the arena of political experience, but for and without God… you do the math. Of course the enemy of God is the enemy of America.

    Scratch an enemy of America and you find an enemy of goodness and that is synonymous with being an enemy of God. God is in all that is good.

  9. Getting you to leave you faith community is not the end game, but they know that separation form your faith community is synonymous with separation from your family and that makes you an easier mark for inculcating you into their religion of worshiplng the secular humanistic vision.

    They want you to join in their worldview and damaging that which reflects the hand if God is part and parcel of their strategy.

    They want to kill what is good so that you no longer have that to strive for and thereby reject God.

    It is what it is.

  10. 27 ‘anomalies’ consistent with possible graves”…well is it a grave or is it other??? How long does it take to verify remains are present?? Perhaps I lack the forensic skills but ‘anomalies’ lacks confidence of proof in my mind.

  11. More power to you sir. You have the faith that I lack.

    And perhaps not for back and forth here.

    I believe I’m what you might refer to as lost or what was others might call as having had a crisis of faith. You and others like you have the character to continue to fight the good fight. The emotions engendered by my experiences brought me to what could be referred to as contempt, followed by disbelief that it can be corrected or restored to what some might believe it ever was.

    Again, not for here and leaving the location where I sit typing this, so unable to continue if I wanted to…

    Mr. Big has my permission to give you my e-mail if you desire and perhaps continue later (as in another day)…

  12. He has my permission to forward it. It would really surprise me if my apologetic would resonate when others more capable have not, but the Lord works through all that let them onto their hearts.

    Fur you can share my email too.

    The Lord works in mysterious ways may not, is not, the word of God, but there is a lot of thought that emanates from elsewhere than the Holy Bible, IIRC that turn of phrase was taken from a poem. Who is to say it was not the product of thought enlghtened by God?

    To say that I feel unworthy of having my thought considered in context that others much more worthy of any man’s time are much more articulate and studied is not something I take lightly would be such an understatement.

    I am such an iconoclast that it defies logic that anyone who wants to accept Christian orthodoxy…

    What makes me problematic as an apologist is that I have never doubted God and I have never rejected The Faith, I have been highly critical of individuals who logic suggested to me were insincere in their interpretation, regardless of their, world given, title elevated them.

    I guess it is because I recognize “the world” and not God is who bestowed titles. Does not the Bible say that is how The Church here on earth will be governed?

    Not that I am a biblical literalist, but you dont have to split hairs to accept that as fair warning that The Church can and WILL be infiltrated and for the sake of your own soul you better not “go along to get along?”

    Christian belief is logical and God is just telling you not to suspend logic.

  13. Ok, you have gotten me to think.

    “They” want to separate YOU from the faith community. But “they” are not part of the faith community, they are infiltrators. I understood that and have posted that extensively.

    When you leave, you joined them and that is the last thing you want. “They” want your immortal soul and separation from your faith community, your family, is spelled out in the communist manifesto as crutial to owning your soul. Communists are not atheists, they are satanists. They live to iwn your immortal zoul.

    “They” get it. “Us” not so much. What has given me immunity is that God blessed me. I am “hard wired” to question motivation. God blesses others with athletic talent or wealth at birth. We all get something.

    I am suspicious, and I am an engineer, I have an analytical mind.

    Considered in juxtaposition in a vacuum all other alternatives, everything else shrinks to insignificance, nothing else makes sense. That is where separation from your faith community comes in. They want no juxtaposition to their apologetic to satan’s worldview.

    To allow that would be to juxtapose good with evil.

  14. JDHasty – Well that’s about the best take on the situation I think I’ve ever read. Right to the point.
    Thank you.
    I too think that it is no coincidence that the Christian religion is be attacked along with America and the West in general. It is all part of the same front and Paul Harvey, as well as others, saw it coming with his speech on “If I Were The Devil” over a half century ago! Now look at where we are today. People, especially younger people had better wake up and recognize that our way of life, religion and values is on the back nine and rapidly approaching the 19th hole unless we really fight back!


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