Actress Denise Richards Goes Hi-Tech Surveilling Daughter – IOTW Report

Actress Denise Richards Goes Hi-Tech Surveilling Daughter

Amanda Head of reports: Hollywood actress Denise Richards has taken extraordinary steps to make sure her daughter isn’t sneaking around. As a childless woman, I am definitely the authority on parenting, so let me tell you what’s what.


12 Comments on Actress Denise Richards Goes Hi-Tech Surveilling Daughter

  1. This is a sign of long-term shitty parenting from the get-go and an environment with crappy little peers. By the time a child is “old enough to sneak out of the house” the child should not have to be told where to be at any given time. That child should have attained adequate judgment and values to be trusted to make determinations regarding where the child should be, and what the child should be doing — and the parent should be trusting the child enough (and vice versa) that the child’s choices do not have to be kept secret.

    Children will be what you tell them they are.

  2. Hot looking babe, but I doubt her sanity based upon her having been married to Charley Sheen.
    Likewise warning to Don Jr and his involvement with Newsom’s ex.


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