Pelosi Vows to ‘Speak’ With Omar Over 9/11 Remarks – IOTW Report

Pelosi Vows to ‘Speak’ With Omar Over 9/11 Remarks

Hannity: A growing backlash engulfed Rep. Ilhan Omar Friday for her recent comments regarding the 9/11 terror attacks, with a top Democrat calling the remarks “extremely hurtful.”

Assistant Speaker of the House Rep. Ben Ray Lujan was asked to weigh-in Friday on Omar’s vicious rhetoric after she labeled the September 11th attacks as just “some people” who “did something.”

“Several of her colleagues have jumped to her defense. Do you think that she was inappropriately dismissive of what happened on September 11, 2001?” asked MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt.

“Well, those statements were not only hurtful to me, but extremely hurtful to everyone that was personally impacted by those terrorist attacks,” Lujan said. “No one should refer to what happened on 9/11, with terrorist attacks that killed thousands of Americans, as ‘something by some people.’ And that’s what was wrong with those statements.”  more here

10 Comments on Pelosi Vows to ‘Speak’ With Omar Over 9/11 Remarks

  1. The only thing Pelosi is worried about is exposing the anti-American/anti-Western Leftist agenda too clearly and too quickly and having the frog realize what’s happening to it and jump out of the pot.

  2. Freedom of Speech.

    This is why Speech is protected by the First Amendment – so that we can know our enemies by their own words.
    When all speech is constrained to “Have a joy-joy day!” we lose all conversation, all dialogue, all communication.

    I, for one, am absolutely bushappy that this imbecile said what she said.
    And that she said it where she said it.
    And that it was received with applause.

    Forewarned is forearmed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The House already “spoke” to Husbro Omar about some other crap she said. And instead of rebuking her, they shat all over us in the resolution. And now Pelosi will do the same when she “speaks” to Omar. How about “acting” instead of “speaking” and toss the little pill off the Foreign Affairs Committee.

  4. she said: “…CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.”

    CAIR was founded in June 1994, not after 9/11, as she stated.
    She, as others, for various events, is attempting to re-write history, while assuming a victim role at the same time.
    The death of 3.000 innocent civilians is not merely an unnamed ‘something.’
    She must be removed from her seat on the Foreign Relations Committee, if not for prejudice, then for blatant lying.


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