Prog PAC Linked to Ocasio-Cortez Escalates Attacks Against DCCC – IOTW Report

Prog PAC Linked to Ocasio-Cortez Escalates Attacks Against DCCC

WFB: Justice Democrats, a PAC that helped send Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congress in 2018, launched another attack against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, one of the biggest and most important establishment fundraising operations for House Democrats.

In a fundraising email, Justice Democrats blasted the DCCC for accepting corporate PAC money, suggesting it had corrupted the committee and some members of the party on policy issues such as health care and the Green New Deal:

Across the country, Democratic candidates are finally starting to embrace the progressive goal of refusing all corporate PAC donations. Justice Democrats swore off corporate PACs from the very beginning, and we’re glad many of our fellow Democrats are finally following suit.

But apparently, the DCCC didn’t get the memo that voters aren’t happy about selling out their interests to the health care, insurance, oil, gas, and coal lobbies.

In just the first quarter of 2019, the DCCC accepted over $440,000 from corporate lobbyists and bundlers — many who coincidentally have fought ferociously against Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal.

And then, purely by chance we’re sure, DCCC chair Cheri Bustos went on the record saying that the “price tag for Medicare for all is a little scary.” Meanwhile, former members of Congress turned pharma lobbyists have raised $10,000s on behalf of the DCCC.

The email comes roughly one week after Justice Democrats launched a website,, in protest of a new policy by the DCCC of refusing to do business with vendors who work with any candidate running a primary challenge to an incumbent Democrat.

“The DCCC is using their financial leverage to intimidate and blacklist many hardworking people in our movement in a blatant attempt to protect a handful of out-of-touch incumbents,” the website says.

“We’re launching The Blacklist to fight back and provide potential primary challengers with a database of go-to vendors, organizations, and consultants who will continue to support efforts to usher in a new generation of leaders into the Democratic Party.”

The fundraising email is notable because it goes a step beyond the main grievances listed on the website and accuses the DCCC of being corrupted by campaign donations, and pandering “to the interests of Medicare-for-all sabotaging, and climate denying corporations,” amounting to a “betrayal of our Democratic and progressive values.”

All of which points to the continuing notion that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.,) has remained unable to corral the progressive flank in the Democrat caucus, something she has struggled with since the new Congress was sworn in in January.  more

11 Comments on Prog PAC Linked to Ocasio-Cortez Escalates Attacks Against DCCC

  1. “…The DCCC is using their financial leverage to intimidate and blacklist many…”

    “…“We’re launching The Blacklist to fight back and…”

    (interesting note on presentation here: the ‘b’ in blacklist is capitalized when referencing the justice democrat’s effort, but not capitalized when referring to the dccc’s effort. A subliminal attempt to appear more credible.)

    It’s Blacklist Bingo!
    blacklisting a blacklist- they are creative.

    And, just curious- isn’t ‘BLACKlist,’ used in a negative connotation, getting sort of close to being racist?
    Have to blacklist the blacklisting blacklisters for that one

    this blacklist suck

  2. Pelosi needs to do something about this now. Party members as well as those those who identify as Democrats and vote that way are soon going to choose sides in this and human nature will tend to move them to the side they perceive as the “winner” in this no win contest. She needs to communicate and get active all the members that have not fallen down the rabbit hole of socialism (call it what you want, that’s what it is) and get them revved up on a mission to save the party of JFK (and that’s how she has to term it) from these progressive infiltrators that are trying a beerhall putsch. Call on the candidates for the big chair in 2020 to rethink their support for some of the outlandish schemes as the Green New Deal, Reparations, Free Medicare for all, Free College Tuition, Student Debt Write Off (I think that ones being bandied about and not officially a plank of any candidate yet but it will be).

    Right now she’s being challenged on all fronts and is doing a piss poor job of defending herself and her Party. Normally I’d be chuckling at her predicament but there are too many hard left out there and if they get the support of the other Democrats of all stripes they could possibly win. If that happens the damage they they could do in one term would make Obama’s two terms seem like a golden era.

  3. …amazing how history repeats…the Revolution can NEVER be “pure” enough…Trotsky v. Lenin, Mensheviks v. Bolsheviks all over again…how’d that end up, anyway?

  4. I see a multi front war breaking out. Radical libs vs really radical libs vs Kennedy democrats vs rinos and donkeys. Lions and Trumpsters can keep our powder dry for a little while yet, but stay ready.

  5. @Diane Reynolds

    Not to sound too disputatious, but:

    The DCCC is using their financial leverage to intimidate and blacklist many…”

    I think blacklist is used here as a verb, not an object.

    “…“We’re launching The Blacklist to fight back and…”

    Here, The Blacklist is a noun, a thing.

    No big deal of course. Just sayin’. AOC will eventually, if not now, take money from most sources. I bet she has already gotten a lot from the scoundrel George Soros.

  6. The DCCC should take pointers from former house leader Paul Ryan and Senate leader mitch McCONnell. Both excelled at eliminating conservative GOP candidates to maintain RINO control over the house and senate.


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